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  1. ClusterSwarm, I rarely ever edit posts, but I changed the title from "Cured" to "helped". Claiming a cure is a bit of a sore spot with Ch'ers. Many have claimed to be cured, and rarely does the said cure work for anyone else, or it stops working for the person claiming the cure. CH is a nasty condition. It changes all the time. When I was episodic I went 2 years between attacks (cycles) once and other times it was 1 month between cycles. It's great that you think you're cured. It's always good to stay positive. Just remember that CH does just stop (or pauses) for most everyone from time to time. It's just what it does. No one knows why. Cheers, J
    2 points
  2. After reading of the Beer to avoid I found this in our wine cellar! Here's to a pain free evening to all! Jeff
    1 point
  3. @ClusterSwarm, don't take it too personally. You don't know what other people went through, what they tried and how much snake oil they been fed over the years. It's only natural that people are touchy about the language used to describe their condition and treatment prospects. There's a huge difference between saying "it works" and "it works for me". I'm also new here, but I', a "Veteran" at clusterheadaches.com, and flaming of newbies with revelations is as old sport. Take care.
    1 point
  4. manishkpratap, I'm also in the camp of only sometimes I get a blocked nose or sinus. It's also always after I'm hitting a Kipp 6 or higher, never before. So I'd suspect the sinus inflammation is a result of the attack, not cause. I can definitely appreciate your sharing what works for you. On the other hand if the blocked nose or sinus was the cause of the attack. Wouldn't it stand to reason that anytime we get a cold, flu etc, then we'd also get attacks when we're sick with a blocked sinus or nose? Just thinking out loud. Again, I think it's great that you found something that works for you. Cheers, J
    1 point
  5. ClusterSwarm, I think what you have stumbled across are trigger foods, not necessarily a cure. It's a known fact that foods high in a chemical called Tyramine are highest on the CH trigger list. Alcohol, Chocolate, Fermented Cheeses (the processed stuff is ok, since it's not really cheese and not made by fermenting milk), Aged or preserved meats, etc. All of these are high in Tyramine, as Tyramine is a byproduct of food breaking down. Case in point: One person might be able to eat a banana without a CH attack, but another person it's a trigger for a CH kipp 10 attack. Why? One person ate the banana when it was just starting to ripen (low in Tyramine). The other ate the banana when it was fully or overripe. The overripe banana is VERY high in Tyramine. Now, why Tyramine is a primary trigger has yet to be identified, but it's a fact that foods high in Tyramine are also the most common CH food triggers. Cheers, J
    1 point
  6. For sure, many have come here making the same claims about keto diets, but like you said. Some things work for some people some times. Then wala, their “cure” doesn’t work any more. I’ll stop spamming this thread and the other cure thread. It just erks me when people come here touting cures and don’t even know what busting is or have never tried it. For the life of me I don’t understand why they aren’t willing to try it. No drastic life style modifications, just a few doses and wala, most episodics can abort a cycle....
    1 point
  7. No energy product, drinks or shots has done a thing for me @SHG I do love to drink good coffee so I never stop trying. Lol
    1 point
  8. Telling most people here to give up caffeine isn’t an option. They rely on energy drinks and shots to help abort a CH. it doesn’t work for me but helps a lot of people here.
    1 point
  9. That's an affirmative on the pizza and beer Freud! Lmao at "perfect record of resisting honky tonks"......I lived in Cowtown from 68 to 84 and played guitar and sang in bands the majority of that time period.....I imagine I've sang a country song in near about every honkytonk in town!! Sounds like we're gonna have a big crowd with lots of 1st timers this year so really looking forward to meeting all of ya'll...I had the pleasure of meeting Pete in Austin after knowing him online for many years and looking forward to seeing him again......and I've talked to several folks that I've met and known here for a long time ( all from the early days of the board but who are no longer active here) but have never met in person that are coming as well.....AND, I finally get to meet my co-conspirator, err, umm, I mean co-moderator Spiny in person AND, bejeebers is gonna try to make it up from Austin......and, of course, my BFF "hipshot" AKA Hollywood Dan of Nat Geo fame will be there! Shit the bed Loretta! It's gonna get rowdy ya'll......Yeeee Feckin Hawwww! DD
    1 point
  10. Wow Batch thanks for all the info! I wasn’t specifically looking for an RA taylored program but how is the best way to bump him up. You’re knowledge and desire to help others is honorable! thanks again Brian So my last dose of L was Sunday. Tuesday and Wednesday I actually got 3 hrs of sleep a night. Then I got hit all day yesterday until 3am. Slept to 1030am today which hasn’t happened in 4 months. I’ve only had one CH today so far! So I’m probably going to dose w L tomorrow. And stretch it out a week at a time to a month if I can make it. Then monthly doses. I’m getting ahead of myself but it just might be working again!
    1 point
  11. Freud, Providing information outreach on RA is a little out of my comfort zone... That said, as it falls in the autoimmune category, RA should respond to vitamin D3 therapy. The only question is how high to take the vitamin D3 dose/25(OH)D response, how much the cofactors need to be increased and any additional conutrients specific to RA that may be needed. The anti-inflammatory regimen is a good place to start, but the target 25(OH)D may be well North of 120 ng/mL, like 180 ng/mL for RA. I say this as I've been there at 188 ng/mL and it depressed my PTH as expected which is good. The only issue is being careful not to depress PTH to zero as we need the parathyroids to continue functioning and not shutdown. The reason for this is simple, we need PTH to maintain calcium homeostasis that maintains serum calcium within its normal reference range. In this case, I pushed my PTH down to 10 pg/mL when the normal reference range is 14 to 64 pg/mL as you'll see in my lab results. This is no different than taking prednisone at too high a dose for too long. The adrenal glands produce the steroids aldosterone and cortisol that are essential for normal healthy physiology. If we take too much prednisone for too long, the adrenals say WTF. Why should I make aldosterone and cortisol when there's so much prednisone floating around... so they shut down. That poses a big problem when you stop taking prednisone and the reason why it is absolutely essential to taper off steroids gradually or only take steroids in short burst doses or week to 10-day tapers. I'm a pragmatist when it comes to preventing CH with vitamin D3 therapy... The expected result of taking the anti-inflammatory regimen is a CH pain free response. Accordingly, I take as much vitamin D3 as needed to stop my CH. This allows me to maintain a very good quality of life, in excellent health, free of terrible CH pain. My lab results for 25(OH)D, calcium and PTH in the following chart are a good example. On the 1st of March, 2018, I increased my vitamin D3 dose to 40,000 IU/day in anticipation of a heavy Alder tree pollen fall in April. On 20 March I had my labs done and my 25(OH)D was 188 ng/mL. As I was CH pain free I dropped the dose to 25,000 IU/day. As you can see, my serum calcium was still within its normal reference range and PTH was low. In early June, I suffered a major insult from mold spores that triggered an onerous allergic reaction (allergic rhinitis) with a flood of histamine. Histamine can make nearly every CH intervention ineffective... so the CH beast jumped ugly. An electrician had ripped out wall board to replace a 50-year-old fuse box in the house in Pelican, AK were we stay while salmon fishing each summer. Unbeknownst to me, there was a half-inch layer of mold in the wall space from years of roof leaks. Within 24 hours of the electrician's work, the stirred up mold spores had the CH beast jumping ugly at night for the first time in many years. Two days of vitamin D3 at 50,000 IU/day and 25 mg of Benadryl (Diphenhydramine HCL) every four hours had no effect. Fortunately, I had welder's oxygen available and I made a couple of my Redneck oxygen reservoir bags out of clean kitchen trash bags, so the CH hits were more of an annoyance that anything else. However, as we were getting up around 04:30 each morning to get an early start fishing, the lack of sleep had me on edge. Rather than trying to sneak up on a therapeutic response taking loading doses of 50,000 IU/day, I took 100,000 IU/day for two days. The night after the second dose of 100,000 IU/day vitamin D3, I slept CH pain free so I dropped the vitamin D3 dose back to 40,000 IU/day for the rest of my two-week stay in Pelican. I estimate my serum 25(OH)D concentration was around 175 ng/mL in June when the CH beast jumped ugly due to the allergic reaction to the mold spores. That should give you an idea how bad an allergic reaction can be to a CHer. On 1 July 2018, I switched to the Bio-Tech D3-50 50,000 IU water soluble (micellized) form of vitamin D3 taking one of the Bio-Tech D3-50 capsules every 5 days (120 hours) for an average daily dose of 10,000 IU/day. When I had my next set of labs on 12 October 2018, I expected my 25(OH)D serum concentration would have dropped from 188 ng/mL to at least 170 ng/mL. When it came back at 181 ng/mL, I was a bit surprised. As I was blissfully CH pain free, I decided it was time for one of by 25(OH)D burn down tests so stopped taking any supplemental vitamin D3, but I continued taking all the cofactors and conutrients. My 25(OH)D serum concentration was 136 ng/mL at my next set of labs on 14 January 2019, 95 days later, for a monthly 25(OH)D burn rate of 14.2 ng/mL.. As I was still CH pain free, I decided to try taking one Bio-Tech D3-50 water soluble capsules a week for an average daily vitamin D3 intake of 7,142 ng/day. At my next set of labs a little over 3 months later on 26 April 2019, the results came back at 152 ng/mL, so it was very clear the Bio-Tech D3-50 was more potent in terms of elevating/maintaining 25(OH)D serum concentration at the same dose as the oil-based liquid softgel vitamin D3 formulations. I'll cover a lot more about this regimen at the Patient Conference in Dallas. Looking forward to seeing all of you there. V/R, Batch
    1 point
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