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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/15/2020 in all areas

  1. Hello, and am so sorry to hear about your condition. From what I've learnt, an lsd busting dose needs to be about half of a regular dose. That would be around 50 to 60 ug. Also you need to do it 3 times 5 days apart. Your brain a few days to be receptive again. RC seeds have worked for me. The D3 regime is worth doing. And ginger works great for shadows. Many swear by high pressure O2. Have no idea how your depression meds may interact with busting. You're in the right place and you will get enough advise to help you thru this. I was where u are just 2 months back. You can bust the beast. Pain free wishes to you. Love Har Har Mahadev
    2 points
  2. G'afternoon microdosing Definitely agree with Chfather that the antidepressant did not trigger a cycle for you.....and, I'm also not convinced that microdosing is an effective treatment for clusters. As Vipul mentioned above, high flow oxygen therapy and the D3 regimen are your best bet in managing your clusters. As to Mirtazipine, most, if not all anti depressants in the SSRI class are contraindicated when it comes to busting due to the risk of serotonin syndrome....a quick Google search shows the following: warnings Serotonin syndrome warning:Mirtazapine can cause a life-threatening condition called serotonin syndrome. Your risk may be higher if you also take other drugs that have similar effects as mirtazapine. These include antidepressants or triptans, such as sumatriptan and zolmitriptan. Symptoms of serotonin syndrome include agitation, hallucinations (seeing or hearing something that isn’t there), confusion, trouble thinking, coma, coordination problems, and muscle twitching. They also include stiff muscles, racing heartbeat, high or low blood pressure, sweating, fever, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. Call your doctor right away if you have these symptoms. Besides these dangers, the therapeutic effects of busting may well be blocked by the antidepressant. Best wishes Dallas Denny
    1 point
  3. This file will give you an overview of how CH is treated. It includes a brief description of the busting protocol (the same description of busting that is under the blue banner on each page, "New Users ..."). https://clusterbusters.org/forums/topic/6213-basic-non-busting-information/ As Vipul says, oxygen and the D3 regimen are things you should be doing. There are other things described in that file that might also help you (Benadryl, caffeine, higher doses of melatonin, "brain freeze"). Most of us here are not persuaded that microdosing is an effective way to treat CH -- you probably have to get to some threshold dose for it to be effective. I don't think that the Mirtazipine is likely to have brought on your attacks, but others might have a more informed opinion about that. Some antidepressants will block the effects of busting, but I don't know about Mirtazipine. It might not seem much like a happy birthday, but I can say that finding this site with its generous and helpful people is a happy thing for you in the longer run.
    1 point
  4. Hi Ihdc, There is definitely an effect that both have on each other. Migraine is well known to imitate a co-existing TAC and can do that damn well. For 8 years I have been diagnosed with CH but the specialists recently have revised it to Chronic Paroxysmal Hemicrania (CPH) and I also have migraine since I am 12 years old. So even I am a man, I am keeping very much on the female side of the headache spectrum Since a few months, I am now under treatment with one of the most renowned CH experts in Europe and he told me this is a typical pattern when migraine and CH are co-existing. It can even go that far the patient can not know the difference anymore between a CH attack and the migraine imitation. That is more or less my case as well. Even a high doses of indomethacin stops my attacks completely, I am absolutely not better off as the migraine keeps coming and is then just an imitation of the CPH. Exact the same pain, it goes not so high in pain level (max 7 while CPH can easily go to 9/10) but the big difference is that the CPH are only 5-10 min attacks while the migraine can last for hours and hours. I can imagine that your symptoms are very much standard which is that the migraine follows the pattern, cycle of the CH. I know it's a damn mess. People who have only one (migraine or TAC) can not imagine what it is to have both... its really unlucky and we have to deal with it the best we can Good luck ! siegfried
    1 point
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