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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/09/2024 in all areas

  1. Best of luck to you and hope that fixes the problem. If not we will still be hanging out here at the head bangin party for ya. Save your cup, we have free refills!
    1 point
  2. They’re not impacted, or they were not. But the left one is so swollen now, they may have to dig a little for it! I have hope, but I also don’t fully believe it’s just the tooth! I could easily have a tooth problem and a headache problem. It was just so much pain. The dentist I saw was so sure it was just the teeth and infection irritating the nerve, and said that b12 deficiency can also cause nerve pain. but I don’t know… there’s so many coincidences!! I just keep thinking about the timings. Almost every day at 2pm. Seems too specific for a tooth problem. At least I’ll be prepared if it was CH, I’ll know what to do next time. And it won’t be so scary. But I think the teeth know they’re coming out tomorrow because my pain has flared way back up tonight
    1 point
  3. I will!!! Thanks for reminding me! I’m getting general anesthesia thankfully, there’s no way I could be awake for that.
    1 point
  4. I'm no expert by any stretch, but if they're not impacted, you can hope for recovery to not be a big deal (mine weren't impacted and weren't a big deal). Main thing I remember was hopping onto the LA roadways in my flimsy VW beetle immediately following extraction while getting hit with a CH attack. But even that was early CH days for me and could have been significantly worse. No we won't! We're already sick of your flip flopping!! JUST KIDDING - here's sincerely hoping the tooth deal could be the entire cause of your severe pain issues, that this will be the end of those issues, and you can end up bidding us all "so long, suckers!!" Fingers crossed!
    1 point
  5. Please remember to ask the dentist not to use anesthetic with epinephrine. If you do have CH, it will almost certainly trigger attacks.
    1 point
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