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Everything posted by didgens

  1. lol .. I actually had a friend many many years ago that was traveling abroad over the holiday. She told me "Im so excited im going to be in London for the 4th of July!" ,, I hated to burst her bubble .. but I couldn't stop laughing I said honey ,, Im pretty sure they don't celebrate that in England.. ROFL
  2. And I know the sulfer in the air from all the neighborhood fireworks are going to cause my son CH's ,,
  3. my son tells me he tried to lay down yesterday and take a nap and started to get hit.. he caught it in time he said ..its so bizarre he feels it come on lying down ?
  4. THanks ,, I was able to join. Lots of very interesting stuff on the 5-MeO-DALT there ,, I found this link .. but am a little scared by the caveat "Harmful if Swallowed" ?? also I wouldn't know how to break this apart or do anything with it once received. ?? https://biochemlabsupply.com/substituted-tryptamine/35-5-meo-dalt-hcl.html
  5. is it the one with the little purple person in the square at the top ?? there seems to be a Cluster Headaches (plural) and a Cluster Headache group ?? thanks
  6. ok thanks ,, I will take a look see here's a link to some basic info I found http://clusterheadachefoundation.com/5meodasytrin.html
  7. I will have to check my husbands chemo nausea med and see what it is. ,, don't like the thought of giving it to my son though.
  8. thanks spiny CHF ,, can you add a link to that post here for us ?? thanks
  9. Just something I found in a previously posted arcitle.. thanks
  10. I would be interested in hearing from anyone seeing a UCLA doc please ?
  11. thanks guys.. J ,, that's really fascinating .. wondering about that Spiny ,, he ran out of benedryl a while back so I had to pick up some more.. not has not started the D3 ,, he's just like "its fine mom .. whatever" not sure what level or duration of pain or number of occurances will cause him to try something other than O's .. so for now im just the mom that is there if he ever needs me to dig out information for him ... sigh :-/
  12. http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/738529_2
  13. dronabinol ???? really ?? http://medicalmarijuana.com/medical-marijuana-treatments/Cluster-Headaches
  14. I took an excerpt off the site linked to above ,, note here something I have brought up before ... low blood serum prolactin ,, just thought I would point that out if anyone is interested in getting tested for yet another deficiency CASE REPORT A 19-year-old right-handed university student presented to the Montefiore Headache Center for evaluation and management of his cluster headaches. Over the past 2 years, he had a cyclical pattern of stereotyped attacks occurring predictably every 1 to 2 months, lasting approximately 2 weeks. During these 2-week cluster periods, he experienced 1 attack every other day. Each cluster period was typically followed by a remission phase lasting 1 to 2 months. However, over the past 3 months, the frequency gradually increased to 1 to 2 attacks daily. The majority of attacks would abruptly awaken him from sleep at 12:30 am or 4:30 am with excruciating right temporal and peri-orbital pain. Each episode lasted 3 to 4 h untreated, with the pain reaching maximal intensity within 10 min and declining within 10 min at its conclusion. Associated symptoms included ipsilateral tearing and ptosis as well as photophobia and phonophobia. With 60% of attacks, he experienced a visual aura of a colored zigzag arc in the superior hemifield of his vision in the 10 min before pain onset. During the attacks, he experienced restlessness, feeling the need to move about, or if driving a car he would accelerate to a faster speed. He did not drink alcohol, but noted that marijuana use at the onset of his headaches consistently brought complete relief within 5 min of inhalation for each attack. The patientÂ’s mother suffered from migraine and cluster headaches. General physical and neurological examinations were normal. Routine blood tests including serum prolactin, follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone (LH), and total and free testosterone levels were normal; urine drug screen was positive for cannabinoids.Brain magnetic resonance imaging and computerized tomography angiography examinations were unremarkable. Transitional treatment with a tapering course of prednisone over 3 weeks and a greater occipital nerve block performed with 40 mg of methylprednisolone acetate in 1 mL and 3 mL of 0.5% bupivicaine were without benefit. Numerous prophylactic medications were tried in combination with either minimal success or intolerable adverse effects, including verapamil, lithium, sodium valproate, melatonin, topirimate, nifedipine, indomethacin, zonisamide, venlafaxine, ergotamine tartrate, and clonazepam. Because of its lack of availability in the United States and the patientÂ’s concern about potential adverse effects, methysergide was not tried for prevention. Treatment with sumatriptan tablets, zolmitriptan nasal spray, ergotamine/caffeine, oxycodone, aspirin/butalbital/caffeine, acetominophen/dichlorphenazon/isometheptene, and indomethacin was ineffective. The patient refused to use subcutaneous sumatriptan because of a strong aversion to needles. Given the lack of responsiveness to multiple agents, dronabinol 5 mg was substituted for marijuana for acute treatment of his cluster headaches; dronabinol consistently provided dramatic relief within 5 to 15 min of ingestion. The patient was hospitalized for intractable cluster headache, with complete resolution of his pain after several courses of intravenous dihydroergotamine (DHE), metoclopramide, and diphenhydramine. He was discharged with tapering doses of DHE nasal spray and a regimen of topirimate, sodium valproate, and melatonin for prophylaxis. Following discharge from the hospital, the patientÂ’s headaches became less intense and less frequent, with an attack occurring every other day. Acute attacks remained consistently responsive only to dronabinol 5 mg. DISCUSSION Cannabis and cannabinoid compounds have been used to treat pain and possibly headache for centuries.2There are 2 types of cannabinoid receptors in humans (CB1 and CB2), and only CB1 is expressed in the central nervous system.3 These receptors are located presynaptically, and are thought to modulate neurotransmitter release. CB1 receptors are widely but not universally distributed in the central nervous system, and are particularly concentrated in the hypothalamus.A recent study in mice found CB1 receptors in axons innervating the majority of hypothalamic nuclei, with the exception of the suprachiasmatic and lateral mammilary nuclei.4 Neuroimaging studies of different modalities have consistently highlighted the ipsilateral posterior hypothalamus as a site of pathology and activation in patients with cluster headache. 5 Dronabinol, a synthetic delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinoid, is currently Food and Drug Administration approved for the treatment of nausea and appetite stimulation. 1 Our patientÂ’s rapid improvement of pain within 15 min of use is faster than the reported onset of action of 30 to 60 min.6 This early response could represent a placebo effect. However, the multitude of treatment-responsive attacks, as well as the failure of other acute therapies, are evidence against that phenomenon. Data on cannabis use among patients with cluster headache are limited. In a recent French study of 113 patients with chronic cluster headache, 29 patients (26%) were regular cannabis consumers.7 However, no mention is made regarding the use of cannabis specifically for acute treatment of cluster attacks. It may be of future interest to ascertain if pain relief can be achieved when recreational marijuana or dronabinol are used in a cluster attack. We would not recommend routine use of recreational or pharmacological preparations of cannabis for treatment of cluster headaches because of the risk of long-term dependence and other potential adverse effects. However, if our observation can be expanded to other sufferers of this disorder, the use of pharmaceutical cannabinoid compounds could play a role in the treatment of cluster attacks refractory to conventional acute agents. In addition, this observation may provide further insights into the underlying pathophysiology of cluster headache, including modulation of neurotransmitter release in the hypothalamus of cluster sufferers.
  15. apparently it doesn't help per these people ??!! but hey I found a CH site in Australia ,, (in case you didn't already know they were there !) http://www.clusterheadaches.com.au/forum_posts.php?id=2883
  16. oh ,, the extract is called "Charoltte's Web"
  17. I don't know if anyone caught the Dateline last night about the cannibus oil stopping epileptic seizures .. Has anyone here tried it for CH ?? any better worse ?? im not talking about POT (thc) ..but the cannibus oil (other chemical in it) for seizures ?? http://www.hightimes.com/read/nbcs-dateline-sheds-light-cannabis-oil-epileptic-kids?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+HIGHTIMESMagazine+(HIGH+TIMES+Magazine)
  18. My Son has had more headaches in 2015 then he did for all of the other years since he started getting them. I am going to say this with OUT A DOUBT ,, EVERY cluster period goes along with sinus symptoms. Every single one. I noted this time he had a CH and 1 day later BAM he had a cold. his CH's are definitely sinus cavity inflammation related .. I bet on it. I think that's why inhaleing cold air works so well for some ?? it stop sinus cavity swelling.. anyway ,, I don't know how that helps anything. I didn't notice the weird smell in the neighborhood this time around .. and our weather has really been all over the place 90 degrees ,, then 60 and raining ,, then 100 degrees ,, then 60 and rainging .. sheesh
  19. another post on the drug here http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1474442214701280
  20. ah ok .. I see on the main page it says "login required" for those sections.. thanks .. (sheesh you think I woulda known)
  21. Hi all ,, so im with Tony ,, Since my son only uses O's ,, can you point out to me the do's and dont's of the board ?? I think Im missing something as well and I don't want to mess things up should we need an alternate route !! thanks so much.
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