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urs Brasil

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Everything posted by urs Brasil

  1. ...I guess because there are people out there, sometimes having an agenda.
  2. @Onglamesh I know this type of lets say depression during cycles. I never realize the heaviness but depressions are always strong as hell. I had sessions with doctors getting all the well known antidepressants. None of them did work but this is another story. Depressions went slowly away when I started the vitamin L regime. Since this days I do micro/mini dosing of vitamin L and I feel definitely much better. My mind was able to wrench around cluster and dealing appropriately with the beast. I just ask myself if you do have enough experience using vitamin L. I do not have much experience using vitamin M, eventually they do the same, working on the mindset. Until today I was thinking my depressions came from abuse of Naramig but yes I may be completely wrong about this.
  3. I can't read/see any hostility at all. It seems to me you already have done enough reading on this site and build your position and perspective to the tools available. -Hello I'm in need of urgent help, please fix me... ( is probably an treatment option worth being discussed & included in the standard procedure, eventually...)
  4. Rsrsrs, I was there to. Horrible place indeed! Yes, for sure it did fuck up my live deep but not for ever At the end of the day, after 5 years of hard struggling I suddenly found this site and great relive going into PF time. Not curet, probably never will but I'm pain free 99% due to the great people from this portal. Sometimes a tool fails. This is when is just switch to one of the other well known techniques from CB-site eventually switching back later. Obviously one neurologist can't accumulate all the know-how offered here? There is no way one could achieve this by himself. A whole/big group is needed in order to verify/proof techniques and results given. I personally call it Crowd-Development. Probably the best term defining what ist going on here... So I just chimed in order to give a strong and positive statement. Stick firmly with tips/answers from all the fellow CH heads here. I'm sure seeing you soon getting substantial relief and of course getting your live back in order to have pain free time. We can't offer cure but pain free time and attacks cut to near 0.0 There are Hunderts of stories like yours ending very well, so please go on BluesFan85
  5. there are folks out there calling DMT the God Molekül ... smoking DMT? Tried hard but can't stand the extreme bad taste (and this IS individual depending on each person) probably the same troubles when ingesting RC/Mushrooms. Nice DMT giving you relive up to a certain level. I only know Darknet as source for DMT. How do you get yours Onblamesh?
  6. Same here, Vitamin L&D3 but no melatonin at the moment. I really struggle weather or not about effects of D3 regime at the moment I'm out of cycle. Never the less, D3 regime using the first time, results a nice but roller-coaster like so I'll stay with it and locking forward getting more proven results in the next months or so. Other health issues I'm dealing with interfere/take profit out of D3 regime. As it is very much true D3 regime can't show up with negative side effects, in respect of the complexity of CH and so fort, I'll stay with it and try to keep things as basic/easy as possible not hoping from one thing to another (not proven by this site) getting lost confused in the woods. Totally agree switching Vitamin M to Vitamin L and vise versa if the current one starts to fail. I think this is a great thing about having 2 confirmed tools for busting.
  7. great, thanks CHfather. Now I remember having read Melatonin being relevant but it was not in my mind. In the past I've used Melatonin for its original purpose, putting me to sleep. It was difficult to get here in Brazil eq. ordering from the USA, waiting ages to come and so fort. Glad you having always on open eye ps: a quit look on the internet ... yes it makes sense now why using melatonin in order to lower attack frequency. Made a note and will come back on this hopefully soon. @Bigtime, sorry for this one missing, go on getting Melatonin. No side effects are known our body does produce this...
  8. I think melatonin being far to weak, too much easy for the beast getting through. Benzo's to I guess. In my opinion the beast even could make a dead mean walking again. Bud this is my experience others may chime in having different experiences or even tools. So far I didn't notice anything keeping us sleeping...
  9. yep, so if you do not suffer from sleep disorder, there is no reason to take them at all for sure. Flying international crossing time zones melatonin can make the difference yes, but not every time, everybody. Flight-crews and so fort do know well about it, normally
  10. Great but I'm just wonder why do you take Melatonin? Just because you read about it here or do you suffer from sleep disorder? If so, since when? Since ever or just when in cycle. Thanks
  11. Rsrsrsrs, hi kevlar, welcome to the club Have a look to the trigger list( but I guess you've already done so) as far as I remember, yes flights changes in air pressure affects some of or fellows (scuba diving too...) O2 is even more than as terrible strong MUST. If I could I would force every CH-head by the law doing so and of course putting in jail every MD/ND not knowing about it, unfortunately I'm not Mr. Trump I personally think you do very well going into D3 regime prior do bust. You are in a comfortable situation as you seem doing well at the moment. Don't abandon Sumatriptan completely as it is the main abortive and proven by many. Should be always near you for emergency. 10/10 to you!
  12. Hi Bigtime, welcome. It seems you did very well until know. I'm super happy for you and thanks for contributing your story here on the board. one thing I like asking you: This time, did the beast change in format? Same side, apearing exactly the same way as it did in the past or do you notice any change? thAnks
  13. I urge everybody using triptans only as an emergency abortive. Nothing good comes out of frequent use of Triptans. Naratiptan may be better than Sumatriptan. Never the less, use them with very much caution. Never ever on a permanent base, no mater dosage used. A few days ok, but after you have to give a break!!! A break does mean to me at least a month... I've made some really crazy experience using Naratriptan (for years) and Sumatriptan lately. Now I'm working hard getting more evidence and scientific background on my findings which at the moment I won't reveal at all, but yes, I may be able to come up with some really ugly shit... O2, verapamil and busting still considered being save! So I hope I can come back with some verified sounding input for all of us found through logic as I'm not qualified talking on a pharmaceutical level.
  14. Great news, not having understood most of this I´m gone see the cows in the open fields within the next days or so as growing kits are not available in my country... Psilocybin may give another drill to my issues as my insane LSD consumption has a certain limit to me! (no mater which amount I take, no mater how long I wait, no tripping at all) 4 sure,
  15. ...All the best Stevo and later or so put an eye on Bob's "Hyperventilating O2", very nice if O2 supplies come to an unexpected end. enjoy your trip, thumbs up for sure
  16. Hm, I don't have any idea on this one. But how about placing it just beside the button called 'MASTURBATION'?
  17. Cymbalta or Amitritylin as alternative to Verapamil/Isoptin. They do not work for everybody put eventually they are an alternative you and your doctor may consider.
  18. Can you now show up with some paperwork eq. concept, costs and time and sofort or still working on it?
  19. Hi Arichimeds and welcome! A lot of people like you did show up in the last month on this site. Most of them already having very positive results. As Pixie-elf said read, read and read even more on this site. As logged in user you have more access to the really valuable information. Never the less personal contact is too a big plus. But, after you reading the files, being more up to date, you will get great assistance from people here by asking and even more important explaining the steps you are planing to do. For example: Did you know, quite a lot of people report more severe attacks when starting D3 regime (and on other techniques)? But very fast they do become active and frequency and intensity improve great. And: Verapamil/Isoptin in europe. 900mg/day needed to be effective. This is proven to us. Neurologist not specialized for cluster heads don´t know. The problem talking to only one person, relying only on source: You never will get everything, probably missing something important just because it is proven to us cluster headache is not cluster headache. So we are all cluster heads or heavy involved and here are some very experienced ones even with scientific background (ps: not me!) I know, here you find some people, being eager kicking you out of your cycle. PS: Busting is quite complex and having this crowd of knowledge is a game changer I'm pretty sure in a while or so I reading you saying: "Live is great again". Please be open minded and give it a try. Es lohnt sich tatsächlich!
  20. Hi Pixi_elf, great hearing you dealing much better with your complex situation. You are a real fighter isn´t it ? On a scientific basis I can't help and of course did not have enough time reading through your history on this site. But I have two point I would like to point to. -High histamine level Beside your current medication on this (is it Xolair?). Did you know fresh pineapple, not the canned one, are very potent antihistamine? Should to be even better than benadryl. If you can eat this fruit, go and get one, the most green and hard you can get should be much more tasty. Do not cut and trowing away the center which is a little bit harder den the rest. -Sleep/napping Needless telling napping is one of our very bad trigger when in cycle. Having spend a live time in IT I confirm this kind of workload specially when working more than usual eq. >8h/day, it is very easy going into an altered mind state. Like extrem sport/outdoor activities do so too (of course this is a kind of drug abuse But after it is quite hard to come down and going to sleep. Playing video games for a long period before going to bed must have the same effect. Interestingly I make the experience reading books before going to sleep has to opposite effect. It calms me down, putting me into a nice sleep, well normally not every time. I know melatonin too but I have an alternative recently found: First generation antihistamine make sleepy and may be OTC available also in your country. And you being rough? No no. We do not have to excuse or justify ourselves being humans (just to give an idea how I did interpret your recent writing) Give yourself from time to time a break and do NOT research on your health issues. Take a few days in a row a break by not researching and thinking about it. Food tastes like dirt? I now this too using Cymbalta. This is very nasty/ugly to me as my mom was from italy and tasty food is so important to this culture. This problem is med based and I know how it is put me too, I don't have any clue on this one. But go on! It seems to me you are a very strong person, already having done big steps into a healthy future
  21. CarAB, is this device gammacore a hoax or are out there really people eq. communities confirming this unit working? I'm interested getting more information on this. I do remember migraneurs talking about it. Thanks
  22. Hi shya. Known to me certain anti depressants (in my case it was cumbalta) working abortive/preventiv but unfortunately only a minority of cluster heads taking positive results out of them. But yes for certain cases worthwhile giving a try...
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