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Everything posted by FunTimes

  1. Welcome Dave, This site is full of info that may help you out with figuring this out. A little more info on your headaches, Are they the same time of day every day? Do they run in a cycle, Spring, Fall, of only on a certain month and only x number of weeks? Does alcohol bring them on? things like that will help figure out if they are for sure clusters or not. Like Jon said above Oxygen is something you will want to get as soon as you can if you do have clusters. You will want it in a tank not a concentrator machine and you will want a high flow regulator and a cluster mask to get the full benefits from it. You get the tanks and take whatever regulators and masks the company gives you and toss them in the closet, we will help you get the correct things for your setup after that. The redbull and 5hr drinks are great for me as well. I like the 5hr drinks because of the size, I can also drink them any time of day with not effect on my sleeping. I think the magic in them is the Taurine/Caffeine combo. The vitamin D3 your taking could also make a world of difference for you and the member XXX is sure to be able to answer any questions you may have on that. How do you make the headaches go away forever? Well if you can answer that I don't think you would ever buy another drink or dinner again.
  2. FunTimes


    Like CHfather said. It did not work out well for me. The first set of shots did cut my clusters in half for that month. the following few months they went back up to normal. I think that first month was just a fluke and my head was going to give me a little break either way. But if you can get it for nothing with a savings card no harm in giving it a try! https://www.emgality.com/savings?utm_source=google&utm_medium=ppc&campaign=6506846301&adgroup=79794805364&ad=461349574792&utm_keyword=kwd-531753716301&utm_id=go_cmp-6506846301_adg-79794805364_ad-461349574792_kwd-531753716301_dev-c_ext-61552973760_prd-&gclid=Cj0KCQiAw_H-BRD-ARIsALQE_2NeDuXvHiL1zNpu4E3B0p7pCO-Ds1kHGn3Y59eW5j42gKw55-jGAnYaAunXEALw_wcB You will most likely get 3 100mg shots to take every 28 to 30 days. You will need 300mg not 100 like migraine
  3. It does suck.. Welcome to the club! Like yourself we have all gone through this same type thing. You will find people that have had teeth pulled, nerves cut, tried all sorts of different medications and a few operations done to try to solve this. You will want to read up as much as you can here starting with the link that CHfater sent you, get oxygen as soon as you can to abort your attacks try a 5hr energy drink at the first feeling of an attack coming on can help buy some time and sometimes abort the attack on its own. read up on busting and the Vitamin D3. Oxygen is the best treatment for aborting if it is done correctly. We can help you get the needed supplies for that even if insurance will not cover it. I pay for it out of pocked because my insurance stinks and it would cost more if they paid for it. The D3 you can do all year round and can either eliminate them all together or lessen the frequency and intensity of the pain. Some will add benadryl to the list of vitamins during season changes to help with any underlying allergies that they might not even know they have.
  4. I will also stretch my neck out from side to side sometimes rubbing a ice pack on it. I don't know if it is just a distraction that I needed to cause relief or if it actually help, I don't care either way as long as the pain goes away! haha As far as the toothache goes, The way it was explained to me if your tooth had an issue you would feel that pain or pressure all day every day until it was taken care of, if it comes and goes most times like clock work the same times every day then it is cluster. But I am no doctor, I am just some guy having to much fun playing the cluster game.
  5. @Cast Iron, I was in the same boat at one point a few years ago. I finally figured I had nothing to lose and I spend a weekend locked in my room with no triptans and beat the shit out of myself all weekend. It was hell but I think it helped me in the long run. I now bust, do the D3 and have oxygen that I hit as soon as I feel that lovely sensation of a cluster coming on. I also always have a 5hr energy drink in my pocket to help the oxygen along and take a low dose of Verapamil. I was taking 2 and 3 triptan injectables a day and eating sumatriptan pills in between. I truly feel that all that was making my life worse. Triptans do work and I feel they have a time and place to be used very effectively but I was clearly causing more headaches by using them that often. It is not easy to do and like anything else that makes you feel better you just want to hit it just this one time but if you can hold off for just a few days I think you will start to feel better. I am chronic so I do not go any length of time pain free but I am now down to about 2 clusters a day on average. I do get the occasional pain free day but not very often. I know it all just sucks but with this site you will be able to find a way to make it to the other side of this cycle you are now stuck in.
  6. Dogo, I have the same type feeling in my upper jaw almost every hit. I actually started all this fun thinking I had a toothache and had root canal work done on a tooth that did not need it only to find out from the next dentist that I had clusters.
  7. I have found the prednisone will only help you when you are taking it, you stop taking is and clusters are back. That is given to bridge the gap when starting a new med like verapamil, it gives it the time needed to build in your system. But hey if it gets you a few days pain free and you have no issues taking it rock on.. I would do the same. Oxygen will be your best option to abort any attacks you get and the 5hr drinks can help that along if you get a stubborn one. I have tried the melatonin but have not come up with any set in stone results. The D3 did make a difference for me in the intensity and frequency of my attacks. We are all in the same boat here but everyone is a little different in the way we react to treatments so don't give up on any one thing because it is not working sometimes you will need to tweak it just a little for better results. Breathing technique that worked for you today may not work tomorrow so just be ready to change things up a little from time to time. How are you making out getting a better price on the oxygen? if you are ok with sharing your general location others in your area may be able to give you companies they had luck with people from all over the globe stop by here to help each other out.
  8. I use the small 5hr energy drinks or coffee type energy drinks if that is all I have. I can use them all times of day and night and they do not keep me awake. I run my oxygen reg at 25 lpm at first and dial it back as I get the cluster under control. If I catch it fast enough with the O2 I do not tend to need the 5hr drink and can sometimes abort in about 5 minutes. the longer it takes me to get on the oxygen the longer the abort takes. I will also add benadryl to the D3 regimen when things get bad for me you can read all about that on this site and XXX(Batch) will be more then happy to help you along with that. Some have help off cycles all together just by taking vitamins. Holding a ice pack on my cluster side also helps me, I don't know if it just distracts me from the pain or really does something but if it works I will try it
  9. Here is the info to help you with the regulator and mask This regulator will work on E tanks https://www.amazon.com/EverOne-Oxygen-Regulator-Liters-Connection/dp/B07L9P7V55/ref=sr_1_fkmrnull_1_sspa?keywords=25plm+oxygen+regulator&qid=1554376658&s=gateway&sr=8-1-fkmrnull-spons&psc=1 This one will work on the M and M60 tanks https://www.amazon.com/Oxygen-Regulator-Standard-Body-CGA540-protector/dp/B00BXRBJG8/ref=sr_1_fkmrnull_3_sspa?keywords=540+CGA+oxygen+regulator+0-25lpm&qid=1554376819&s=gateway&sr=8-3-fkmrnull-spons&psc=1 ~OR~ wtfarley.com/Oxygen-Standard-Body-Click-Regulator-CGA-540 The mask can be found here http://www.clusterheadaches.com/ccp8/index.php?app=ecom&ns=prodshow&ref=clustero2kit As far as getting it covered by insurance, I have the issue of it costing way to much with insurance so I called around and told the oxygen companies that I will be paying out of pocket. It seems as if the insurance company actually sets the pricing and when I pay out of pocket the price is about half. I lucked out and have a company that will deliver the tanks to my house. I call in what I need and they come the next day. I am also chronic so I get this done all year round so I am not sure how that would work if I did not call in a order for 6 months of so. I recommend calling as many companies as you can and tell them your paying out of pocket. Your other option is the welding route. You can read up on this on the site as well and get all the help you will need for that setup.
  10. Not much to add to all the post above. My wife will kind of be on standby in the background. check on my when she knows I am having a cluster just by walking by, if I raise my hand of make any type of movement in her direction she knows I need or want something. She has a idea of things I might want during a cluster and will just go through the list until I give a thumbs up or nod my head. It is very strange for both parties I guess. For me I don't want to disrupt anyone else life with my condition but at the same time I don't want to be alone. My wife does not want to bother me by sitting in a chair looking at me the whole time abut does not want to leave me all alone incase I needed something. It is a tight line we all walk on and you will just need to find a way to compromise and let it all go. Kind of like you said freeness of death goes away with the pain try to let everything associated with the cluster go away with the pain. Do not hold a grudge towards anyone trying to help in regards to how they reacted to your headache, if you didnt like it just explain how to make it better next time. Like Jon mentioned if you can not get that 02 script take up welding and give the 5hr energy drinks a try they work great for me. Best of luck to you and your family,
  11. Nice work Batch, I assume the participants need to stop taking all vitamins prior to the study, How long do you think that would take to clear your system?
  12. I have gotten the Flu shot in the past and have not noticed any change in headache frequency.
  13. The mask can be found here http://www.clusterheadaches.com/ccp8/index.php?app=ecom&ns=prodshow&ref=clustero2kit
  14. What is your current dose? It should be 300mg a month for clusters. I had 3 100mg shots when I was on it. I now have 3 unneeded sitting in a bag in my fridge. It did not help for me.
  15. I did it on a PC with Chrome browser but I do not see my response posted on the form. It looked like everything worked fine on my end, I thought maybe it took a day to post.
  16. Verapamil can help some. I was at one point taking a little over 900 mg a day with the slow release. I made the change over to the rapid release and worked my way down to 120 twice a day. You will want to have a doc keep an eye on your heart when changing dose and work up slowly. It will take about a week to get into your system so most will do a pred taper for the first week. When I was on the higher dose it effected the feeling in my feet along with a little swelling. If you are also using the D3 with all co factors you will want to space them apart a few hours, Verap is a calcium channel blocker so they would be fighting each other. They both work fine along with the triptans also.
  17. Sorry you and your sister are dealing with this but you are in a good place for help. I see you have done all the ct, mri type scans to rule out anything else and that is a good start. The oxygen is the number one abort by most for cluster attacks. You will want the cluster mask and a regulator that has a flow rate that will go up to 15 or 20 lpm. you can read all about this. energy drinks or strong coffee are also used to help at the onset of an attack to help slow the ramp up time so you can get to the oxygen. Read up on the vitamine D3 regimen developed by a member on thie that goes by the name of XXX also known as Batch. Does she or has she tried Verapamil Sumatriptan or any other medications for this? Please read up as much as you can and ask a tun of questions you will get better help on this site then you will in any doctors office.
  18. Definitely drained and in a fog for about 10 minutes or so and my eye will continue to tear up from time to time. Then I sit and think of what mean thing I have done to someone or something in the past that warranted that hit.
  19. igdc I keep a log book of every cluster I get with how long and what I did to abort each one. It does help me because things change and what is working today may not work for me next week. I can go back and see what I did to get out of a funk the last time. I am chronic so I do not have any cycles that give me any length of pain free days but I do have cycles that ramp up from time to time. Spring time usually beats me up followed by summer when it is hot out around here.
  20. Sign me up! do you want my social security number and mothers maiden or will the name of my first dog due? I am sorry, that is not nice but this does seem a little shady to come out of the gate requesting zoom or other video platforms that are easy to exploit. Poke around and tell us a little about yourself
  21. Here is a link to the Emgality savings card you may be able to use to get it at no cost. I was able to use this along with my insurance and had 0 co pay. I hope it all works out for you, I am Chronic and did not have good luck with it but we are all different and if it has no real side effect why not give it a try. https://www.emgality.com/savings?utm_source=google&utm_medium=ppc&campaign=10500422360&adgroup=106595784409&ad=382852915174&utm_keyword=kwd-531753709621&utm_id=go_cmp-10500422360_adg-106595784409_ad-382852915174_kwd-531753709621_dev-c_ext-_prd-&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI2KyKq5LU6gIVg43ICh2FcQ8mEAAYASAAEgKFf_D_BwE
  22. EggMan I have tried Emgality. The first time it took my cluster from 90 a month down to about 45, I am thinking that was just coincidence. the following 2 months it had no change on the amount of attacks I had although they did not co back up all that much either. The 4th time I took the shots all hell broke lose again and I gave them up. I am not saying it will not help you, we are all a little different. One thing I will say is make sure the shots are at room temp, they hurt like hell if they are cold, You keep them in the refrigerator for storage so pull them out a few hours before use.
  23. Kat if your oxygen is being delivered to you you will want to be good friends with the delivery person. Most likely they do not know how many tanks you are supposed to have so when you place your order for 3 tanks and only leave 2 tanks out for the exchange 9 times out of 10 they will just take the 2 tanks and leave you 3. You can build your stash like this over time so you do not worry about running out over a long holiday weekend or anything. Just stay on top or your refills and build up your stock pile of tanks slowly. you will get the hang of how much O2 you will need per hit and be able to keep your supply well stocked for when things take a turn for the worst. A few extra tanks and regulators will save your ass one weekend and you will be so happy you were prepared. Your other option would to be just ask the supplier for more tanks but I have ever know that to work out very well. I am glad to hear you had success...
  24. If you can get the oxygen script from you doc and find a company to deliver it to you they will most likely not have the mask and regulator you will want to use. Just take what they give you and then go out and get your own supplies. You will want to ask for more then one tank and more then one size. M and M60 tanks are larger tanks that are good to keep at your home and hold a larger amount of O2, E tanks are smaller and good to keep in your can to take to and from work or just a day out on the road. You will want a regulator that has a flow rate up to 25 LPM and a cluster mask that has a large reservoir bag on it so you can get a deep lung full of only O2 and no outside air. I will attach links here so you can have a better idea of what people get. This regulator will work on E tanks https://www.amazon.com/EverOne-Oxygen-Regulator-Liters-Connection/dp/B07L9P7V55/ref=sr_1_fkmrnull_1_sspa?keywords=25plm+oxygen+regulator&qid=1554376658&s=gateway&sr=8-1-fkmrnull-spons&psc=1 This one will work on the M and M60 tanks https://www.amazon.com/Oxygen-Regulator-Standard-Body-CGA540-protector/dp/B00BXRBJG8/ref=sr_1_fkmrnull_3_sspa?keywords=540+CGA+oxygen+regulator+0-25lpm&qid=1554376819&s=gateway&sr=8-3-fkmrnull-spons&psc=1 ~OR~ wtfarley.com/Oxygen-Standard-Body-Click-Regulator-CGA-540 The mask can be found here http://www.clusterheadaches.com/ccp8/index.php?app=ecom&ns=prodshow&ref=clustero2kit
  25. Welcome to the party! Kind of sucks that you need to be here but it is a nice place. You will find all sorts of tricks and techniques to fight this cluster battle we are all in. As fat as busting goes you will want to look at the closed sections of the site (Share Your Busting Stories and Theory & Implementation) for members only. That will only be viewable to members of the site and more people will respond to your questions on busting. you should click on the blue banner on the top of this page for New Users. this will give you a overview of the basic information you will find here on busting. The biggest game changer in the Cluster world is Oxygen! you will want to read up on that, It can be a pain to get but well worth the effort. The D3 regimen is something you can start now and was developed by a long time member on this site who now goes by the screen name of XXX but is better know as Batch. you can read about it here https://vitamindwiki.com/Cluster+headaches+substantially+reduced+by+10,000+IU+of+Vitamin+D+in+80+percent+of+people I am from the other side of PA, the better half just out side of Philly but I know we do have members from your area. Poke around and ask questions. we are all here to help each other.
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