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Posts posted by xBoss

  1. 7 hours ago, Alvaro said:


    @xBoss sorry to hear that. Does busting do anything for you? I can't imagine having such long cycles, by the end of mine I was DONE. 

    I consider myself lucky (so far) and I will continue to be grateful for every single day that goes without CH. And even if it returns, I am grateful for ClusterBusters. Hope all of you can find, if not a cure, a way to get you cycles under control. Sending good vibes to you guys. Cheers

    Yeah busting works most of the time but when it does not they go on forever now, it sucks but the DMT is a new game changer for aborts. My numbers were more what they would be unchecked by busting. I got to skip the last year so I'm working on a nice size gap right now. 

  2. 9 hours ago, Inno said:

    Hate to break it to you,
    I've gone 10 years between my 1st and 2nd cycle.

    Yeah, the beginning 25 years ago was fairly easy. I had a couple week stint the first year and probably only about 4 out of the first 10 years were in cycle. These days I'm fighting a once per year average with twice in a year countering the zero years and the cycle length has reached 100 days. :O

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  3. 1 hour ago, Debbieclusters1996 said:

    Cluster sufferer since 1996. Last cluster cycle was February 2023 until this current cycle. I have been in this cycle since beginning of august. On second steroid taper 60 for 3 days then 50 for 3 days and so on till done with taper. Feel like the beast is coming in full force and I am on day 2. Second month of emgality been on and still on verapamil. Oxygen tanks all over the house and my classroom. Truvaga should be here by Friday. Also had steroid and nerve block injection on head September 6th. 

    Has anyone had this happen? Praying it is kicking them out and will get better but losing hope quickly. 

    Since 98 here. One thing clusters are well known for is changing and stuff that used to work does not work anymore. 

  4. 3 hours ago, bwunk said:

    Pretty great actually my best Oktoberfest yet!  I have only had a couple of them due to the cycle but it appears I am about free from that!

    Awesome, mine are right on schedule. Last year was oct- mid december. Shadows have been happening lately. :( Ah well, time to start busting. :)

  5. On 9/5/2024 at 2:35 PM, Trent said:

      Anyway, I use cluster cycles to take a break from drinking for a few weeks or months, its probably not a bad thing.  

    Yup. It's basically 90 days off the beer when the CH drops. A good break!

    • Like 2
  6. On 9/5/2024 at 6:32 PM, bwunk said:

    I brew as well. I am about to try my Oktoberfest tonight while mid cycle 

    I know mine is coming very soon. The beers will let me know! :) Hoping to skip it though. Did A few L trips this year to push it back...

    • Like 2
  7. On 8/8/2024 at 8:49 PM, CHfather said:

    Please remember to ask the dentist not to use anesthetic with epinephrine.  If you do have CH, it will almost certainly trigger attacks.

    I guess it is to help with bleeding. My dentist refused to use zero epi but he did cut it way down. It sure does trigger them!

  8. Any headache condition is terrible. I hope you can get to the bottom of it. You had me thinking of my first experiences with cluster headache back in 1998ish. I had no idea what was going on and I went through it with no doctors thinking I was finally feeling a headache like people always complain about since I never had any type of headaches before that. Either way it will be OK though, just something to deal with. You got this. :)

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  9. 3 hours ago, lovemyfamalways@gmail.com said:

    Does anyone know if cooking oil is a trigger? I remember years ago there used to be a food list and I can’t seem to find it. Thanks everyone! Doing research for husband. 

    Smelling burning cooking oil can be a major trigger.

  10. I go off into the higher realms of consciousness during cycles. It's pretty easy to do when you are exhausted from no sleep and been tripping on stuff for weeks. :)

    During the worst attack in my life I heard dancing queen playing in my head note for note like it was really playing. That one was weird!

    • Like 2
  11. On 3/13/2024 at 4:13 AM, devonrex said:

    I have found after exertion or stress, once I begin to relax I get hit. Sleep that hypnic jerk can be just as you are hitting rem and the body thinks it is dying and it does a quick nerve pulse/jerk. Rem is a trigger for many. I have found stress can either trigger or ramp them up a lot. 

    I get those. They come and go. Doing decent right now but wow, they suck!

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