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Posts posted by xBoss
I used to build websites before I got tired of it. My money is on the plain** Opps, rich text editor having the bug or possibly the version of php the server is running.
I'm at a loss for words but you know I'm there for you buddy. If you try to contact me please use signal, I hope it works with a dead phone number. My phone service is down since I'm pretty bankrupt from having CH all year. A tough year for a bunch of us for sure. I pray you can find something to make this better.
28 minutes ago, Bejeeber said:
Sorry to hear of the bad side effects, but glad to hear of this bit and hope you can get back to it ASAP!
I've had the same impression as Spiny, seeing mixed results reported from CH'ers regarding the shot, with no wide consensus as to whether it is nice or evil for CH.
I mentioned before but might as well again...I was in cycle when I got my shots. The cycle was the worst in my life BUT I think it's possible that I already had Rona before that and was asymptomatic because I got pretty sick from shot two and heard that shot 2 was doing that to people who previously had it, either way I was indeed sick. Who knows, my 2 cents.
On 9/19/2021 at 6:41 PM, Jarhead said:
Was at Shroomfest today... Very good turnout and looks to be getting legislative support. Keep your fingers crossed!!!!
How's the Ayahuasca situation there? Seems like it should be going around.
On 9/26/2021 at 12:26 PM, Bejeeber said:
True - I too have been happy on occasion to refer to the beast as a demon.
I have been describing to people for years that CH is the feeling that burning in Hell is. Why did I wonder what that was like when I was a kid? :p
The primary will probably refer you to a specialist and then the specialist will still have to listen to your words with no test to proclaim CH. Basically their diagnosis is on you....
It's getting pretty cool in Ann Arbor. I'm trying to go out there soon.
3 hours ago, SpidaH said:
Last night again--- pain free!
I think (hope) I am done for a couple years.
I consider myself incredibly lucky in a lot of ways. One is knowing/hoping my shadows will be gone for a couple years. If I disappear for a couple years, just know you all have helped a ton, even just by knowing there are people that understand this thing, and there are people helping people and doing incredible thngs making traction toward a brighter future.
And isn't Batch an incredible man! Holy! It's like he was put on this earth to help all of us. Just incredible.
Wishing all of you peace and serenity and all the joy and happiness possible. Goodness knows you've all earned it!
Nice, hope it works great for you. Keep us posted!
Welcome to the cool kid club Spida. I'm against pharma so my advice is to seek non pharma solutions like D3 and psychedelic busting. Oxygen for aborts etc. Red bulls and hot soaks also work for me when it comes to aborts. I'm sure pharma works great for some people but the side affects can suck. Try to learn as much as possible from here and inform yourself with some weapons to fight this terrible condition. It can be managed fairly well most of the time for most of us. Oh, and keep a log book of your hits and possible triggers. Just knowing your triggers can be very useful and there are many like alcohol, flying, foods, smells, even sitting positions!
GL warrior!
21 hours ago, BoscoPiko said:
Did you mean that you find yourself aquard? By the " left hander term" idk.. I'm all kinds strange. Maybe you did maybe you dident. All I can do is look from the outside. I guess what I do think I know is that anyone with CH is a champ for still being around. I have struggled for much less time than most on here and I'm hoping that maybe I'll get better at handling it like some of you on here. I've probably surffed the forums a bit much since finding this site and maybe not I'm still just walking around blind IMO. This it hard and I suppose I'm just doing what I can to coap, stay sane and talk to people like me.... I've asked myself a bunch of times why I couldn't have been in the 1% of folks that passed the hardest test known to human kind etc. But it really never made me feel any better. I did love and will hold onto something Spiny said "life is what happens in between the clusters " that comment hit me and as much as it stinks it makes sense for where I'm at in my life...
Yeah, I just feel like I'm living in a right handers world and just different. I guess it ties into my angry at the world bit I dunno. Anyway, yeah it's def what you make of the time between. Coping, managing etc. It's not fun. I try to use shrooms for both busting and therapy.
Happy is hard. I'm a mad at the word left hander with CH for almost 23 years. I guess after a long period of time it just becomes acceptance. Especially after multiple goals and dreams get crushed by CH. I still appreciate what I have because it's all relative.
On 8/21/2021 at 6:48 PM, Cloudy said:
thank you Batch...i have been on the D3 regimen for years and it hasn't stopped my every 3-4 year episodic cluster cycle but of course it may have reduced it ...i am hopeful that it will kick in ...emagaility seems to have helped this cycle in reducing the intensity...i havent gotten over a 5 and oxygen has helped each time
i haven't done the mouse genes yet! will let you know if i do
Seems like an extreme choice given that you only experience CH once per 3-4 years?
Try out busting. Sorry it's been a mess for you. It's been a mess lately for many of us. GL!
On 9/4/2021 at 2:12 PM, Bejeeber said:
even for ultra consistent decades on end, then suddenly out of nowhere when you least expect it, pull the old switcheroo on you. This can even go for which side you get hit on.
Dear lord, switching sides sounds terrible. Part of handling the intense pain is being super used to it!
Hey Bosco, sorry that you have joined our club but welcome! You seem like a cool cat, you will get along fine here.
You got this, a great place to be. It's a mental game, stay strong, I'm on year 23 after they hit when I was 27.
Welcome to CB DayLight! GL with your journey.
I feel you Brad, busting is not working for me as well and I'm nearing day 100 on this cycle. Are you chronic or episodic? I'm hoping the end of this episode is close for us both! Hot soaks in the tub have been able to abort some of the attacks. Have you tried oxygen yet? Hang in there man, I'm trying to find some L to see if I can get a bust going. We both might need to look into D3.
12 hours ago, jon019 said:
...mine a bell curve with slow ramp up...plateau...slow ramp down...and one last blaster at the end. considered myself fortunate in that i knew the "pattern" so could make plans for battling or getting on with life. whether this is his pattern or not only experience will tell...tho interrupting that with a preventive (busting, D3, verapamil) certainly worth the effort....
Same here. I find myself saying wow I'm getting off easy with these clusters for the first couple few weeks then it really gets bad. Tapers down in the end. Today I only had one attack that was about a seven. Working on day 70ish of hopefully no longer than 90. Glad it's getting better for him Paula!
2 hours ago, jon019 said:
.....seems countintuitive ...N20 described as a "potent cerbral vasoldilator" which is just the opposite of what we want. would seem similar to nitroglycerine which can be used diagnostically to precipitate a CH hit....
...on the other hand....thc is discussed on every CH board i've ever been on.... and while it too is a potent vasodilator, there are folks who swear by its use. though i do not recall as an abortive (yikes, smoking tobacco for me during a hit was damn near suicide)...
....can only wildly speculate that vasodilation throughout body might reduce the pressure on the trigeminal nerve....but this is way beyond my knowing....
Yeah, cigs are horrible, they magnify the pain so much. weed doesn't help me much but it usually doesn't make it worse, sometimes maybe a little bit. O2 never worked for me but I never got it flowing enough. N2O is such a good temp pain killer that it has me wondering. Time to make some whipped cream. :p
I love nitrous. Going to grab some whippets today and see if they can abort an attack. Probably have not done one since before I had CH which was 22 years ago!
10 hours ago, Bejeeber said:
Yikes you guys, udderly nightmarish on both accounts.
@xBoss, when you got kicked out of remission, would this have been at a point in the cycle where alcohol consumption was still safe enough, but (confirming worst fears
) the epi packed that much more of a trigger punch?
Yeah, I was drinking beers and way out of cycle and I got hit hard after a dentist visit then busted it and got hit hard again after the next visit five weeks later. They were both extractions of molars and had tons of drugs put into my jaw. I now ask for low epi since they love the stuff for blood control and don't really want to go without it.
I got kicked out of remission when I had a tooth extracted and blame the epi.
I was getting hit just before the shot. Now I'm stuck in an unbustable state for the first time but the odds were against me. Probably not tied together but you never know.
Stumped, worn out and looking to hear from other chronic’s
in General Board
Some infected mushroom "Demons of pain" to brighten your day