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Posts posted by xBoss

  1. Hey Marlon. Welcome! I'm 49 and mine started when I was 27 and I also thought they were migraines or something since prior to that I never knew what a headache was except for maybe a hangover. Anyway, once per three years is not too bad! I'm once a year and this place has had me in remission for three years now! Hang in there and read up all the good info. You are in good company.

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  2. The only pattern I can think of is that it tends to happen more often when I am more in need of sleep or more tired I guess. Yeah, lately it makes me feel like the doorbell was ringing. Such a weird thing. Us clusterheads def. have some quirky issues so it's good to try and find correlations. My spectrum of nero type issues is CH, EHS, panic attacks, cold seizures, ringing in the ears, mild tremors in the hands.....

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  3. I used to build websites for a living. It was too much screen time so I had to mostly retire. I wear high grade UV protected prescription sunglasses all day every day (see my avatar!). It seems to help with the light pain and discomfort.

    My neck and shoulders are always messed up even though I beat the beast with busting. The TMJ does not help the situation.

    I find certain sitting postures can be a trigger for me. Mostly a position like sitting up in bed watching tv or the couch can do it.

    Side sleeper here, on my back I get anxiety from the gravity pulling on my lungs and the belly is a no go for comfort.

  4. It's going to take some more time and data to know for sure. Cluster headaches can vary in pain from not too bad to horrible. People in major pain can get hot and break into a sweat but not maintain a fever. I drip in sweat sometimes. Study a list of the major symptoms and keep tabs on it, in the case of cluster headaches you will know more than your doctor. All they can really do is listen to your words and make a diagnosis.

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  5. I was curious because I am a left hander and I hold the phone to my left side and that is where I get the pain. My clusters also started around the time of cell phones back in 1998. I can also feel the EMF coming from cell phones and they make my face and hands buzz if I am on a long call. I know clusters have existed before cell phne usage but I wonder if they are able to help trigger them.

  6. 1 hour ago, Brain on fire said:

    @xBoss stop that! Pleeeeze?

    Hoping it was a horrible slapback. I took some MM yesterday and got hit about 4 hours after it wore off. Fingers crossed for tonight. They all happen from 11PM to 6AM. How you doing?


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