Hi I am forty eight, male and have intractable chronic cluster headaches for twenty years. I have seen the best specialists in the world and ended up having three full trigeminal rhizotomies that did give me three years of no pain but then ch returned. I have been on the maximum dose of opiates that the FDA will allow for over eight years now. This has managed my pain moderately but how long can I do this. I am on other meds as well prescribed by my neurologist who found gammacore for me. I bought it and have been using it for one week now learning the best position for the best results. I use it three times in three minuter intervals at 40. I was surprised that it did change the morphology of the pain and brings it down from an 8 to a 3. I then am able to lay down and fall asleep for a few hours before my headaches return. I use it four times a day and I just don't know if I can justify the $600 dollars a month. I am disabled. Electracore did say it worked 20% of the time in cch. I believe it could replace my use of Actique to break the pain that lasts for over 12 hours Is there anyone out there that has CCH and is using the gammacore. Thanks for the board.