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Found 3 results

  1. hello all, i want to introduce my dear friend @spikeinthehead. he just registered yesterday; i've sent him the url to the readme banner, ahem, @CHfather. i know he'll develop his own connections, but i want to specifically introduce @Brain on fire, @spiny @Freud @dmlonghorn @ThatHurtsMyHead. Also, @Batch, perhaps you could pm him with the link to the D-3 regimen. thank you all! lux
  2. Hi guys, I was diagnosed with Cluster Headaches about a week ago and have been on Verapamil and Sumatriptane ever since. I started having these headaches about a month ago and my diagnosis was only just confirmed last week. The headaches occurred once every 5 to 6 days at the start but ever since I started taking these pills, I've been having one every day. I've heard people say that the pain is unbearable but the first headache I had would be an 8 (on a pain scale) and the subsequent ones ave gradually declined in intensity but they've also gotten longer. My last headache lasted two hours while the very first one I had lasted only 20 minutes. Right now the pain would be at a 5. I'm not sure if I have a high pain tolerance or I'm just one of the lucky ones (some luck huh). I would appreciate any advice I can get.
  3. Hi guys, I was diagnosed with Cluster Headaches about a week ago and have been on Verapamil and Sumatriptane ever since. I started having these headaches about a month ago and my diagnosis was only just confirmed last week. The headaches occurred once every 5 to 6 days at the start but ever since I started taking these pills, I've been having one every day. The pain is on the right side of my head, my right eye starts to tear up and becomes visibly red, and sometimes my right nostril get's runny too. I've heard people say that the pain is unbearable but the first headache I had would be an 8 (on a pain scale) and the subsequent ones ave gradually declined in intensity but they've also gotten longer. My last headache lasted two hours while the very first one I had lasted only 20 minutes. Right now the pain would be at a 5. I'm not sure if I have a high pain tolerance or I'm just one of the lucky ones (some luck huh). I would appreciate any advice I can get.
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