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A Bit Stressed-Not CH Related Entirely-(Sorry need to Rant)


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Uff.. I'll start with apologizing for my weak moment. My older lab Abby Doo has been home and injured for nearly two weeks. My husband and I have been rotating office and home time to ensure she is not left alone as she has a torn tendon in her rt rear leg and can't make it far to potty. My home is covered in potty pads, my husband and I are sleeping on an air mattress down stairs to be with her because using the stairs is out of the question, my sleep schedule is out the window at the moment due to being awoken with the need to go and my stress is through the roof! I had an attack last Friday because the cluster bunny managed to somehow get through my barriers. I dosed with a good deal of seeds and have been ok since but my goodness I am a wreck between the 3 emergency visits to our 24/hr. animal hospital, the run around to get her set for surgery, the worries of her being put under at 11 years of age and the body aches from in-home camping... My shadows are out of control and my moral is lacking.  Not sure why i am posting this other than anxt. Anyhow thanks for putting up with me . My animals are my children... Rant over.

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It's good to share this sort of stuff I think - you've become such a major, consistent personality in the family here, not to mention a real brightener-upper of the place, so we need to know wha's going on!

So sorry that what's going on SUCKS badly, but big, big kudos and admiration to you and the hub for tending to your dear lab like that.

Outsized stressors sure have that potential to bring out the worst from the cluster bunny - hate hearing that it slipped an attack in on you, but glad at least it hasn't been able to hit you with any more full on blasts since you shut it down with the RC bust. Best wishes for knocking down those shadows from hell next.

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@BoscoPiko so sorry to hear about that! My corgi, Norman, is my entire life. So I can sympathize with you. It’s no fun when our pets are down and out. Dogs pick up on our emotions so try to stay positive as best you can! I’ll share a picture of my Norman to cheer you up. 

do you have any strong ginger pills for the shadows?? Glad to hear the seeds have helped 


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@BoscoPikoSo sorry to here about 1 of your babies being struck down , but don't worry to much bosco I'm sure she will be fine with you and your hubby looking after her . Get some ginger down you for the shadows (You already know that) shame you haven't got some vit L .could take you out of reality for a bit and the cluster bunny would hate it 

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10 hours ago, kat_92 said:

do you have any strong ginger pills for the shadows

Hi Kat and thank you for the beautiful pic of your pup! I use curcumin with ginger but I think the stress is just causing worse shadows than normal.... I'll be fine just a rough few weeks..

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First I need to say....Thanks to all my cluster head buddies for responding to my rant. Today was so stressful in that I had worked so hard to ensure a one and done visit but that didn't happen. I had contacted the surgery center one day after the appointment for todays surgery that had been set and asked about the fact that she was 8 days into the antibiotics  for a UTI and had expressed that I wanted to know if it could in any way effect her ability for surgery. Was told no and to just get her in.  I did bring her in at 10 am today only to receive the information that she needed to be tested for any infection prior to being released/approved for surgery so I was bummed as I specifically tried to avoid this hurdle. She is now home with a cast and shaved hind leg, urinalysis that is being processed and a completed ultrasound that shows a severed tendon that will need a wire mesh implant to be fixed. I suppose this is no biggie if your not an animal momma. We fasted her since 8pm last night and fully expected a surgery to fix her up today so to say the least we are bummed/disappointed in ourselves for not doing better for her. I fully understand that with this post not being CH related It may not warrant much response and that's ok as this is just me unwinding and needing to vent.


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That poor sweetheart - I love the older doggies with the graying muzzles.

She's super lucky to have the two of you taking care of her, but sorry to hear things have gone all Murphy's Law on steroids around there right now! :(

Come springtime I bet this will all be forgotten ancient history and she'll be frolicking pain free in the fields again.

She does look sexy with that shaved leg and stocking lol.

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