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Happiness is lying on the couch after a good meal, a good meal you chose cause you felt like it, not cause it`s one of some dishes you can choose between. To watch a movie without worrying about flashy pictures, open a bag of crisps  and fill a bowl with candy. Happiness is doing this after being a mom, after gym class and duties, after a normal day. I roll up in my couch on a friday night and i feel lucky, i feel happy :)

Thank`s to everyone, for all the support you give, for making me laugh and cry, for all the good advice you give and all the knowledge you share. Thank you for bringing life back, thank you for being here. May your dreams come true :)



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Very nicely said Ting.

I think we all are better off than we realize. That is to say we have all had tough times which makes the little things most people take for granted enjoyable indeed.

Thanks for the pep talk.

YOU are good medicine for all of us.

I really look forward to seeing you in Chicago. we all do :)


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Last year, when i turned 30, none of my family wanted to come when i invited them. Actually they had forgotten about it, this shouldn't be a surprise to me, but i have to admit it doesn't exactly make you feel very big. In the end a person in my family told me i should feel lucky, cause i could come to his birthday in a couple of months instead lol ;D Ok, this sound very much like self pity, and there was a bit of that.

This year i started thinking about it and felt a bit down, cause they won`t come this year either, and in a way that`s better but i think it`s the feeling of it shouldn't be like that. So, i decided it`s my own fault if i feel bad about this day, i`m the only one who can decide what to do that day. I have the right to celebrate my birthday like everyone else. So, i put on Vivaldi loud and started baking. I made two big pans with pizza and different cakes. My daughter  and my boyfriend helped me decorate the house with balloon's and stuff and i invited my friends, and my boyfriends family, they want to come and i`m grateful for that, and everyone that want to is welcome to come. Now i think my birthday gonna be a great day, i feel happy about it now :)

I`m not looking for kind words and stuff like that, it`s just that sometimes, certain things you don`t feel like telling people around you, but i can tell you folks. And that`s wonderful. I appreciate and feel grateful for knowing all of you. Wish all of you could come to my house and have pizza and cakes with the rest of my friends. Would have been nice :)

Yay, Chicago!!! so excited to meet all of you!!!

Wishing everyone a lovely day tomorrow, it`s also Norway`s National Day, like 4th of Juli tomorrow. Gonna wake up to canons tomorrow :)

Good night :-*



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