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question/ busting while on verap?

anthony g

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Anthony, this is what TommyD says in the Clusterbuster Files section of the board: >>Most reports seem to indicate verapamil will block the clusterbuster treatment, though a few say they successfully used tryptamines while on verapamil, and some reports seem to indicate that it impeded, but didnÂ’t completely block, the treatment.<<

I think that's as close as you're going to get to an answer: a definite maybe.  So maybe you'd want to detox fully, to be sure.

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Happy to hear you're feeling good!

I'm afraid I'm not much help to you here.  Before my first bust I detoxed from everything, including Verapamil, as I didn't want to take a chance on anything blocking.

Just a thought, but since you're feeling good now it may be the ideal time to try tapering off.     

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My first couple of busts occurred while I was still on verapamil. I had to continue my regular schedule of busting every 5-7 days for several months after I was off the verapamil, so it's really impossible to say whether it was blocking the effects or not. I can tell you that things felt different - like my pattern was being shaken (or maybe stirred) - after my first bust, so I'd say go for it. Especially if you have ample busting supplies.

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