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CH research

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At this site, you can find a lot of recent (and older) reports about CH research.  I think this link will work to take you to the CH-related part of the site, although maybe you have to be a subscriber (free).


If not, maybe you can get in from here: http://www.docguide.com/neurology/popular/popularnew  and then type cluster headache into the search bar.

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Hey CHF ,, that link you sent me to had a post at the top about headache being cured by removal of a tooth ??? since my son says when he pushes on a spot back behind his molars he reduces the pain im just curious how many males here still have their wisdom teeth ?? My son never had his removed like i did ? if this is maxilofacial nerve pain maybe its in the jaw ?

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A lot of people with CH have had teeth removed and other jaw procedures done without any benefit.  So that's a caution.  But apparently in some cases (or that one case, anyway), it might have been the answer.  If he decides to have any dental surgery, check back here, if only to be sure that the anesthetic that's used on him is not of the type that worsens CH pain.

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curious how many males here still have their wisdom teeth ??

I had my remaining ones yanked when I was around 23, thinking my cuckoo attacks (CH but I didn't know it yet) could be caused by them.

I was wrong, as have been a LOT LOT LOT of other CH'ers who've gone on fruitless tooth pulling quests.

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