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Good News:


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My visit to the Neuro was 'frantic' is so much as I was bombarded with rapid-fire questions for 40 mins.  Ranging from when 'heads' first started, how many a day, types of pain, how long it lasts to what I do to help and what taken...and usual family history.

The good news is I'm finally getting a portable O2 tank and a the injections without any hassle!! He's writing to my GP to make sure this happens :)

I go back in 4 months for a 15 mins appointment (unless I need to speak to him before) armed with  the 'head-ache' diary he's given me to fill in.  Pain on a scale of 1-3 regardless of whether it is a 'shooting/stabbing' pain that lasts for a second, a migraine that can last for 4 hours - 3 days, daily head-ache, shadow or CH...No notes/jottings because ' he hasn't got time for that.'

It was productive, but HE GAVE me a headache!! :)

Hope you're all being good :)

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Hi Spiny,

The o2 company that deliver my large tank are really good, I'm sure they'll sort it out - or rather 'hope' they will :)

Diary - Yeah, I't's easy cos i just have to put 1,2 or 3 and the duration of the pain for all the types of 'heads' ...very small boxes, so it's not proving extremely challenging  ;D hahaha - How the hell can I put a dozen or more shooting pains in one box (for a 24 hour period ) along with everything else!! Oh well, he's the one that's got to try and interpret it! As long as what I get what I need, he's paid to decipher the diary  ::) Poor man!

Toni :D

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