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Busting Help


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I started my first cycle 6 years ago and it went for 3 months.  Went through all the BS Im sure everyone goes through when they first start.  GP Doc- to CT Scan (no tumor) back to GP who prescribes the wrong med's relating CH to Migraines, etc.  Having 3 7-9's per day I was desperate and found MM's.  Had a friend come by and one dose killed the beast.  I had a few 2-3's and shadows, but believe it or not, I have been CH free for 6 years.  Well.....the beast is back.  Has been for 3 weeks.  I tried a good dose of MM thinking it would do the trick, but, although it stopped the CH's for a couple days, I am now back to 3 per day.  Should I try the 3 dose method @ 5 day intervals?  If so, (and i realize we are all different) but at what dosage?  Do I need to feel the hallucinogenic effects to help?  With 3 kids and full time job, its tough to find the free time to dose like that.


Also seeds?  I cannot seem to research this enough to find 1) where to get them 2) how much to take 3) what regimen.


Any comments or help would be very much appreciated.  The anticipation of the next "big one" is really wearing me down..

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Yes, given that MM worked for you in the past and showed signs of working this time, it's a good bet for you to keep taking it.  I think most people here would say that you need to feel some effects in order to know that you have taken enough. How much that should be is, unfortunately, impossible to say.  Some people get effects, and busting effectiveness, at doses as low as .5g dried, but I think most people here would tell you that 1-1.25g is the lowest amount that's reliable for busting.


Yes, seeds work for many and they almost never create psychedelic effects at therapeutic levels.  The question is whether you really want to switch from something that is very likely to work to something you don't know about.  You can buy seeds at www.tranceplants.net or www.iamshaman.com; you'd probably want to start at something like 50 seeds (and buy at least 200).  Same regimen -- every five days.  It will take a while for seeds to get to you from either of those places.  If you get them, we can discuss it more.


Meanwhile . . . I'm guessing you don't have OXYGEN, which you really want to have.  Do you have any meds, such as Verapamil?  Have you tried an energy shot such as 5-Hour Energy at the first sign of an attack?  Melatonin at night (starting at about 9mg and working up)?

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@ CHfather, I have MM on order, I just don't know many folks that play with them anymore (Im getting old). 


I do not have oxygen, not meds, never tried 5-hour energy or Melatonin.  I will research each of those.  I remember oxygen was hard to get on my first and last cycle.

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Oxygen can be hard to get, because way too often doctors don't prescribe it even though it's the #1 medically recommended abortive for CH.  Nearly everyone here or at any CH site will tell you it's the lifesaver, the must-have. You might have great success and long remission again and not need it, but you might not.  Ending a cycle with one dose and getting six years of remission are not common occurrences. Strongly recommend that you give O2 your best shot with your medical professionals, and check with us.


The most typical pharma approaches are verapamil as a preventive, injectable sumatriptan as an abortive, and a course of steroids to buy you some time while a preventive kicks in. Sumatriptan and steroids will block busting; verapamil not so much. Plenty of undesirable side effects from all those, of course.


The best way to "research" energy shots and melatonin is probably to try them.

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I agree with CHfather--oxygen has been a godsend. Doctors do seem oddly hesitant to prescribe it--I had to tell mine that if he didn't, I was going to use a welding tank anyway...but I'd rather have proper medical oxygen. Luckily he relented and I have an enormous tank--truly worth the hassle of getting.

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When you speak to your doctor ask him  or her to look it up on "UP-To_Date"  which is an online reference many physicians use.  O2 therapy is well documented and a first line standard of care treatment option.  Any properly done literature search or google search for that matter will support this.  If they are unwilling to be enlightened I suggest your pursue another caregiver.

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