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menstrual headaches


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Hi there. I have been suffering from menstrual headaches for many years now. They usually come during the first day of my cycle and also sometimes during ovulation. I just stumble upon your site and i'm trying to figure out whether they are cluster headaches and whether the mushrooms would help. I've never heard of mushrooms before as a treatment and I'm hopeful to try it.

My headaches definitely come in cycles but they are different than the ones in the description of cluster headaches. They come in monthly/ bi monthly cycles. They also get triggered by alcohol. They are always on the right side of my head behind my eye socket and last for 3 days, always.  They don't seem as intense as the ones described in the definition, I can lay down in bed and rest but they do feel like a piercing knife through my eye. Does this sound like a cluster headache to you guys.

Sorry if this has been asked before, I searched for the term "menstrual headaches" and didn't get any results. 

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