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Searching for CH doctor in Massachusetts

Concerned mom

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Hi all. 

I would love some recommendations for a CH doctor in the Boston area or south/central. My son is 18 and has been suffering for about 8 years and we are searching for a neurologist who specializes in CH, our current is pediatric and not very aggressive with treatment.  I read a few posts that spoke of BostonHeadacheDoc ... Dallas Denny you know him? Brian? 

Thank you all! 

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Hi concerned mom@

I do indeed know doc B very well and have had  his personal contact info since we met at the clusterbusters conference in Portland on 2010!! You could never hope to find a finer neuro than Brian if you're a clusterhead!!

Let me shoot him a PM on fb messenger and ask him to drop by....usually doesn't take long for him to respond!


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Not sure how far Boston is but there is a doc on here that is thought highly of in Boston called “bostonheadachedoc”. He may be able to recommend someone closer. I travel from NJ to CT to see Dr Brian Grosberg. He is amazing. He’s in West Hartford. Let me know if you want his info. 


Sorry its it’s late and I didn’t see the whole post. Surfing in the middle of a hit. Lol

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I’m a PA and I’ve worked with world class surgeons for years. I have never encountered a doc as amazing as him. He actually thanks you for letting him treat you. He can also set your son up with a 2 month free trial of the new gammacore device. He is on board with busting and really put my parents at ease. It’s tough to get in for you’re first appointment but after that they will do what ever it takes to get you in. 

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