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clovis fick

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This is a little confusing to me, for a lot of reasons that I guess I should mention.  The principal one is a question about the size of the tanks. If they're D size tanks, you'll get about one or maybe two aborts per tank at a flow rate of 15 liters per minute.  If they're E tanks, you'll get about two or maybe three aborts per tank.  (You could use Batch's redneck method to get more, maybe. https://clusterbusters.org/forums/topic/4919-batchs-hyperventilation-red-neck-bag/  (Some people have expressed safety concerns about this method.))  So many questions . . . Does this include regulator of at least 15lpm and mask . . . Would they deliver at the frequency you'll probably need . . . Some people have found that suppliers won't provide O2 even with a prescription if you don't have insurance . . . .  I hope it might all work out for you.  I think many people would say that a better bet over the long run is to get welding tanks.

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I'm surprised you can abort at all with a flow if 8 or less.  You can buy a higher-lpm regulator, but of course you'll go through the tanks faster.  O2 supplier should supply reg and mask.  I assume you'll call them today and see what's involved in getting bigger tanks, but with self paying, I think it is probably going to be less costly for you to go the welding route. https://clusterbusters.org/forums/topic/5627-notes-about-welding-o2/    You could try Batch's redneck method, which I linked you to above, which will use a lot less O2. I feel compelled to mention again that there are people who assert that having a bag of combustible O2 around is not a safe practice.

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33 minutes ago, CHfather said:

I feel compelled to mention again that there are people who assert that having a bag of combustible O2 around is not a safe practice.

I dont understand what that means, bag?

As for tanks thats all they carry, i did ask.

I will look at the welding link, thank you for posting.

Thanks for input, take care.

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3 hours ago, clovis fick said:

I dont understand what that means, bag?

The "redneck" method that I mentioned and linked to above involves filling a kitchen garbage bag with O2 and using that along with room-air hyperventilation.  

If your oxygen supplier is going to honor a sensibly-written prescription, which should have specified that it's for CH and that the flow rate should be at least 12 lpm and you should get a nonrebreather mask, then they ought to supply you with a larger tank.  TBH, I seriously doubt that that is all they have (not doubting that they told you that), but if it is, they are required to either replace your tanks as often as necessary or get you a larger tank.  If your doctor is sympathetic, get him/her involved.  O2 suppliers are regulated by most states, and I believe they are breaching their responsibility to you.  You might not want to go there (larger tank(s)/reliable refills) because the cost might be too high.

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