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Ideation, yes. For the numbers on this board, I have no idea. I know we as a demographic are more likely, I mean thus the name. If you have a plan I implore you reach out to a friend, a help line, a doctor, someone, the step from just thinking about wanting this shit to end permanently to having a specific set of steps in mind is a huge step and rather large red flag, so talk to someone, reach out.5 points
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I can't just reply to questions and be done with it (so you can skip my reply if you wish). I work in psychiatric ward and get sometimes called to help when there are patients who are suicidal and have CH. Very, very often when CH is managed to get under control, the suicide plans vanish and again, very, very often never return. But there are people who have more complex problems and conditions and need help beyond getting CH under control. Then you need to keep reaching for help - relentlessly as long as you need, or better yet - find a support person who helps you fight. And it's incredibly tough when the things that work for others do not work for you - these people would need a community of their own. People with torturous chronic pain - whatever the diagnosis or no diagnosis at all, who have not yet found help and those who have found something that helps mixed in one group. I hope you keep reaching out and find help.3 points
I sure hope no one else has a suicide plan! Life with CH can be immensely difficult at times, but life between the clusters is just 2 special to give up on. @lp3 to make sure I answer your question, no I don't have a suicide plan but in the beginning of my CH (prior to finding CB), I was definitely guilty of thinking about it. I know you have been on here for quite some time, but I don't think you post all that often (which is absolutely ok). It's just that I wonder, if none of the things you mentioned not wanting to hear about don't work at all for you if maybe you haven't been properly diagnosed? Maybe try and see a different Doc or better yet a headache specialist. When is the last time you spoke to a Dr. about what you’re going through? I know you’re not looking for advice but that is pretty much what we do here (try and help). In a way I think maybe you are looking for help because how would it change anything for you to know someone else had a plan? Please excuse the ramble, I just hate to see/hear of a fellow sufferer being in such a bad way. If you change your mind and do want to talk about possible methods that could help, we are here!3 points
If you don't want advice why are you here? Are you seriously expecting people to talk suicide with you here? I I feel for you, I've been lucky, many treatments have worked for me but I feel the dread and despair every time one quits working. I'm currently using a dmt vape and it's amazing, hopefully it doesn't end up like imitrex where I build up a tolerance.3 points
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I will try to post some pictures here. First of all - Thank You to Clusterbusters for paving the way. We are just following your fine example. The only way we managed through our conference was because Bob Wold sent me a spare brain. We love you all. Horton 2024 conference - Hotel Arthur, Helsinki - 14.9.2024 09:30- 10:00 Welcome words, the day's program and the association's activities 10:00- 10:20 Woikoski tells about medical oxygen therapy 10:20-10:30 Break 10:30- 11:15 New European treatment recommendations - Ville Artto 11:15- 11:30 Injection treatments in Horton's care - Matti Ilmavirta 11:30-12:15 Lunch 12:15-13:00 Possible problems of the treatment path - Risto Rapila 13:00-13:30 Peer support as part of the official treatment path. Information about Horton's self treatments - Toni Taipale 13:30-13:40 Break 13:40-14:15 Horton's steps - Niklas Koponen 14:15- 14:45 Discussion and questions 14:15-15:15 Coffee service in the meeting room 14:45-15:15 Your quiet spirit - New book about Horton - Tiia-Lotta Lintula and Janne Haakana 15:15-15:30 My experience of surviving Horton - Henry Scheinin 15:30-15:45 My experience of surviving Horton - Panu Järvinen 15:45- 16:00 Responding to intermission performers and association representatives 16:00-16:30 Watching video greetings and video call to Clusterbusters Conference in United States 16:30-16:40 John Fletcher 16:40-17:00 The future and finishing the official agenda 17:00-21:00 Free time together and conversation3 points
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Exactly All good, I got really scared while taxiing but it all turned out to be fine IMG_2659.mov2 points
Looking forward to a report of a smoooooth flight, no CH issues! Flight fingers crossed.2 points
Yes we are aware of suicide of people who have been members of CB, but again not something we like to talk about, I don't understand what you will get from people answering your questions2 points
What @big j and @BoscoPiko said. One prominent member went on record here as having had a specific day on the calendar planned, but successful busting found them decidedly cancelling the plan. Please forgive though for even mentioning busting, even in that context, if it is something that isn't for you.2 points
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Happy to see that the event went well! Thanks for sharing photos.2 points
Thanks for the pictures Tony. Looks like it was a great event.2 points
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I know mine is coming very soon. The beers will let me know! Hoping to skip it though. Did A few L trips this year to push it back...2 points
Are you sure it wasn't nitrogylcerin? you are totally right, it was nitroglycerin1 point
Are you sure it wasn't nitrogylcerin? That's what is usually used to deliberately trigger an attack. There have been people here who thought that nitrous oxide ("laughing gas") was a good abortive for them.1 point
Yes, it's the epinephrine. This is from the "Triggers" post in the CB Files section: "Anesthetics containing epinephrine (such as Xylocaine) and nitrous oxide have been identified by some people as triggers. Ask your dentist to use something else: Prilocaine seems not to cause bad effects. Another person has mentioned carbocaine as an anesthetic that didn't trigger his CH."1 point
Well....many antidepressants have been sister medications for migraine and Ch. You did not specify the medication/antidepressants scripted but most are not effective for CH. Your doc should have first and foremost scripted oxygen as an abortive then maybe verapamil.. which currently is the so called gold standard of treatments not that it means much in the way of CH. The D3 regimen should be looked into as it has helped many more than verapamil..1 point
Because an answer seems so important to you, I can tell you that in the last big published study of people with CH in the US (more than 1100 people, mostly members of CB or ch.com), about 13 years ago, this was the report: "55% of the US cluster headache population has had suicidal thoughts while 2% have tried to commit suicide. In addition, 50% of survey responders also demonstrated selfinjurious behavior during attacks." https://www.clusterheadaches.com/yabbfiles/Attachments/Cluster_Headache_in_USA.pdf This doesn't precisely answer first question you are asking, but it might be as close as you can get. Overall, about one in 30 suicide attempts actually result in death. If you would want to try to project those statistics to today, you might want to consider the many recent developments that might affect suicidality, most of which are included in previous posts in this thread (the study that showed effectiveness of "high-flow" oxygen, for example, was published a year before the study I have quoted from). On the other hand, I wouldn't be surprised if the percentages have remained about the same.1 point
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Mayo sent me to Dr. Eric Eross! He is a recognized innovator who developed Gliacin, a patent-pending product used to prevent headache conditions, including hemicrania continua. Gliacin contains Boswellia Serrata, an herbal remedy that may help reduce the frequency and intensity of headaches. This medication/supplement helped me so much! Do a zoom with this doctor.1 point
Thank you for posting the photos and stuff here @Tony Only, this coinciding Finnish/European event that I see you are personally a prime host of is seriously cool, spare brain from Bob Wold and all! Well it's as cool as an event revolving around a condition that is patently un-cool gets. You may find yourself a prime suspect as the "someone" who painted the moose's eye purple.1 point
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"yee feckin haw" inDEED Feck yes. Well unless we relocate to some other region in the interim, which is a possibility currently under discussion. How entirely fecked up would that be if my Texas residency were to occur exactly right in between Texas CB conferences??!! Still, any of us who can travel distances if necessary and make it, should, and that'll go double for me going forward (I'll be RETIRED by the time of the next conference).1 point
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Back on this board again! 23yr Cluster Sufferer in UK, currently only on O2 for treatment I have had a similar thing happen, Im back here after 2 years remission, and they are back but different, much more in my sinus and throat now, with the pain, still excrutiating, I have high flow oxygen and am using a tank a day. The swapping sides has happened once to me, when I tried a low dose 1.75g of mushrooms infused in a tea. I am usually right side affected, but the cluster swapped sides and was easier to deal with as my right side was very painful from shadows then. hope that helps.1 point
@Hollikat31 @Doctalkjoe Sadly, Doc Mike passed away a few years back.....the last I heard, which has been quite some time now, his brother in law Doc Rick was still administering the shot. Unfortunately, Doc Mike kept the formula he used to determine dosages close to the vest. The number for Doc Mike was included in my post when I started this thread so you might try it for info Dallas Denny1 point
Keeping an eye out for any additional pics you capture as the festivities continue @Racer1_NC!1 point
What were the exact dosing of ingredients of the jesus shot? My pharmacy friend is going to compound it for my PCP.1 point
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During a cycle Beer will most often trigger an episode, but during the remission periods, I can drink beer no problem. I often drink a beer near the end of a cycle to see if its truly over. In recent years I have started brewing my own beer, not kits, but Grain to Glass, (I have a micro brewery in my basement) I have found that my own beers do not trigger the episodes during a cycle as much as store bought ones. My home beer only has Grain, Hops, Yeast, no additives and I keg it, so its draft beer. I don't know what differences the store bought beer might have. Anyway, I use cluster cycles to take a break from drinking for a few weeks or months, its probably not a bad thing.1 point
Hi everyone, I’m late by a few years to the conversation. Is anyone still there talking about the Jesus shot?1 point
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Hi Erin, I think anyone that suffers with an extreme headache condition not only belongs here, but can and will benefit from being here. I have read many a post from those with both HC and PH. Some have benefited from CH methods of maintaining pain free time as well as experienced a community of folks that understand pain in a way that non sufferers just can't comprehend. Sometimes it helps just to know you're not alone in your pain..1 point
Thanks all for the great info,,I have been saving for a long time to take the children (of which i may be the biggest).Two weeks in april staying on disney world property if i was ever hoping to catch a break with the beast its for then,fingers crossed.1 point