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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/06/2016 in Posts

  1. I just wanted to take a moment and say a heart felt thank you. Being a cluster suffer for the better part of 20 years, I have tried it all....I thought. Some worked, some did it, I thought I learned how to handle the mental stress on my own but this cycle is different, longer and stronger than ever and I had hit a brick wall. I felt like a drug addict, begging my doctor for steroids and panicking if I was down to 5 pills. So one long dark night a month ago, I stumbled on this site. Everyone here was so kind as I vented my fears and pain but more than that you all gave me what I needed most to keep going.......Hope and empowerment. I have since tried some of the suggestions I got here and although the headaches are not gone yet, I am seeing Results. More important, I know I am not alone and others are trying and sharing and I have options when I thought all was lost. You all have truly brought me back from the dark abyss and giving me the strength to be positive again and to fight again. So for all these reasons and more that words can not describe....THANK YOU!!
    2 points
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