A truffle storyÂ…Â…..
IÂ’m an ECH sufferer of 22 yrs. From 2003 through 2008 the cycle was 8-10 weeks on and 13 months off. That changed at the end of 2008 to 6-7 months on and 5-6 months off.
Preventatives have never worked for me and O2 seemed to make the attacks worse. My only line of defense was 1/3rd (2mg) shots of Imitrex to abort an attack. April 2010 was a bad month and, being out of Trex, I was hospitalized for 4 days to receive 8 doses of DHE via IV. During those 4 days I was pain free. However, 24 hrs after my release the attacks returned.
I checked my pharm and to my surprise, I harvested a jar full of truffles ranging in size from peanuts to golf balls. I started using these “fresh” stones as an abortive by consuming approx. 2-6g, chewing to a pulp and holding under the tongue for 10 to 20 minutes. The more times I did this, the faster it aborted the attack. By the end of 10 – 14 days, the attacks were gone.
A few notes, disclaimers, etc.
1) As you might deduce from my sign on (BigDose), I am fairly resistant to the effects of shrooms, LSD, and truffles. While most folks use anywhere from 1.5-3g of dry shrooms, I will use 10-15g.
2) I tend to use Trex (when I have it) along with the alt-meds. For me, I donÂ’t feel that the Trex hinders the alt-meds because taking shrooms when out of cycle I still require huge doses to reach any kind of T-level. ExampleÂ…..15 tabs of lsd has been known to produce little trip effect. The product was from a reputable source and of good quality!
3) I never wait 5-days between doses. Using the truffles, I would be lucky if there was 5 hrs between doses. My conclusionÂ…..repeated doses close together had an accumulative effect. ExplanationÂ…..While using the truffles, I never felt any T-level while dosing. BUT, after about 8 days, I woke on a Saturday and found the world was spinning and walking was a bit difficult.
4)Instead of drying the truffles, I tried to keep them fresh/moist by sealing them in a Ball jar. CAUTIONÂ….they cannot be kept for long in this state because they will grow moldy.
5) During this same time period, I harvested a crop of B+ shrooms. I dried the shrooms, but left them whole, and used them the same way as the truffles. About 2-4g chewed and held under the tongue worked almost as well as the truffles. Again, IMHO, it was the accumulative effect that worked for me.
I have been PF since mid-May but am not sure if it is ‘my time’ out of cycle or if the treatment ended a 7-month cycle. As of late, I feel some of the early signs of another cycle, but alcohol does not bring on an attack. Hopefully, this will continue to be the case until I can get another successful grow harvested (the green monster has ruined 6 attempts).
Hope this helps but, rememberÂ…..be your own judge as to the size and timing of your dosing.