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Everything posted by britbike

  1. britbike


    I read some-one's post that they have vivid dreams before a cycle starts and one at the end of a cycle. Is this common? I had just read the post and was telling my friends about it. 2 days later I had a very vivid dream (I don't usually remember dreaming). I haven't had a "dance" since the dream. I have had 2 low shadows but that is it...3 days and counting I was hoping to be ready for a shroom treatment...and wasn't sure I could wait until I was "detoxed" because of the number of dances (4-5/day) for 3 months...My Dr. had prescribed Lithium and I was worried about starting down that road. Thanks to those that said don't do it...I am glad I waited...A few more days of detox...And it is shroom time. I am a little worried that I might start the cycle again by trying the shrooms treatment---but after all the pain, money, begging for meds from the insurance company, and Dr visits---anything is better! Thanks for all the help, Rod
  2. Thanks for the replies... I have had several bouts of CH in the past 5 years but never new what it was...I spent several thousand dollars on dental work (5 root canals on the same tooth) thinking that was the problem..eye exams, etc before finding out what was wrong. I have been having shadows (4-6 per day) and all out CH (2 per day) so regular that I didn't need a watch. My insurance company has limited me to 4 CH per month...I keep telling the beast that but he will not listen. I have grown weary of begging for medication or trying to pay for it myself...And shrooms appears to be my only option unless I agree with my Dr and start Lithium... After reading many post and replies, I started to try and "detox" from my present medication of Amerge and Sumatriptan...but I was slapped down by the beast. I am having a difficult time trying to get to a place where I can try the shrooms with a reasonable chance of success... What is the minimum time to clear Amerge and sumatriptan from my system...I have learned to use O2 at the first signs of a shadow with more success but I don't always have O2 at my side. Can I take ANY medication during this "detox" period and still expect some success. Thanks for all the help...I need it Rod
  3. Hey everyone, I have been a lurker for several months...and I need some advice as I trust people that have this affliction to be upfront. I recently discovered that I have CH (3 mo.)I have been taking Amerge, sumatriptan injections and tablets, O2 with limited success. Now my Dr. wants to put me on Lithium thinking that I maybe chronic. I asked about mushroom treatment but told "Don't do it!" I am really worried about taking so much medication and the long/short term effects...I haven't started the Lithium yet and need some advice...should I try the shrooms or take the Lithium now and see what happens Thanks for any advice, Rod
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