Hello! First of all I'd like to thank all my fellow (and fellowess) cluster headache sufferers for sharing your experiences with the world at large, and with me in particular, via this valuable resource.
Having been an annual visitor to this website for... I forget how long, I thought I'd finally join the club. Mostly because I'd like to contribute something in return for all the help you've given me. Party just so I can SCREAM in public, knowing that you'll all offer sympathy.
Every year I think I've cracked it, and every year I find myself surfing this website as well as Google Scholar and every half-baked 'health' site for the elusive 'soma'.
Yesterday morning, having awoken to this years attack (following a few weeks of shadowy threats), I took myself to the local hospital to try oxygen therapy. I was left in a room on high-flow oxygen for around 25 minutes, which seemed to help. Though by the time I'd got to the hospital I'd already managed to get the pain under control using high strength cocodamol, so it's hard to say whether the oxygen did anything more than leave me talking at the doctor at a solid 100mph and feeling as though I should sprint the 8 miles back home.
Ideally I wanted to see a doctor and get a can to take away so that I could try it at the onset of an attack. Sadly, here in the UK at least, it is a somewhat more complicated procedure than I had imagined. It simply wasn't possible for them to prescribe at the hospital and I was told to see my GP.
Within half an hour of arriving home - Bang! Attack number 3 of the day kicked in. I phoned my GP and managed to get a phone consultation booked for later today. Then I looked online for the prescription protocol and it doesn't look too hopeful. Seems I will have to undergo assessment prior to an engineer coming to my home to show me how to use it! With the weekend upon us, I doubt I'll get any relief from oxygen before the middle of next week. By which time I hope to be at least half way through my annual cycle.
Doom and gloom followed this news and I resigned myself to the agony. I know that cocodomol isn't good for cluster headache but it numbs the pain in the now, even though I know it will be back even stronger later. So I take it, crash out for a few hours, wake up in agony and take some more. This has been my ritual for over 10 years. At the end of my cluster cycle (roughly 10 days with the usual feeling you've been hit with a cricket bat for another 10) I am left groggy, constipated and suffering mild withdrawal.
I've tried turmeric, hot pepper, black pepper, basil, oregano, ginger, garlic, weed, LSD (not sure it was the 'good' stuff), strong coffee, massage, meditation, cold compress, hot compress, mind music, whale music, walking, running, rocking and standing on my head. Some with mildly possitive effects - the weed did help one year when eaten in small quantities. Mostly nothing touches the sides so to speak.
So last night I read an article on this site about water. I've tried it before, but probably not with my heart in it. This time I went away and drank two pints over the course of half an hour then went to bed. Within an hour of getting to sleep... ouch! So I lean over to my glass, swig another pint, close my eyes and hope... Hmm, a little lessening of pain and back to sleep. Two hours later... ouch!! Get up, go to bathroom, fill glass, drink roughly two pints and take a pee that could have come from a racehorse! A small price to pay if it helps. Again, it did. At around 6am AGONY! This time I cheated - took cocodomol and drank another pint of water. Slept right through to 9am and awoke without a headache! That has never happened before at this point in my annual cluster cycle. So I took another long drink of water and have been sticking to a regulat pint since then. As yet, at 11.30am, I feel only a shadow.
It's too early to be certain, but the water method seems to be working. Maybe it's just this years 'fix'. I intend to stick to it for the next week and will report back. I'll try the same again next year.
Anyway, at the risk of this becomming a novel, I'll sign off for now.
Thanks again Team Cluster. Wishing you all the best, Paul.