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david w

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Everything posted by david w

  1. Could you go into detail just a bit of how boosting testosterone levels would control cluster headaches? Personally i just don't see how it could do anything but worsen the condition. Speaking for myself I'm into bodybuilding for many years now. And i've noticed that an increase in hormones , or a supplement that boosts testosterone , can really make the headache condition extreme . Or lets say it can give u a headache on steroids. my experiance anyways..
  2. meteorology sure is cool to me too theres nothing like an old injury flaring up that lets you know when it will probably rain , i think everyone that has arthritis wont take no for an asnwer on that one btw thanks for your story
  3. lol spiny , thats just too funny thanks a lot for your story ,i enjoyed how your kids are afraid that you'll sneeze ;D anyways im guessing that pepper is banned from your house?
  4. hey whooligun thanks for stopping by. i cant imagine if your condition is anything worse than mine how you must feel like living out there in the great lakes territory. must be the fishing right ? have a blessed day sir
  5. hey weatherman , thanks for your 2 cents i hoping to someday be a guest on stan lee's superhuman show (kidding ) thanks for the imput though , anyone in meteorology has my respect
  6. Hello , my name is dave . New member here. The nature of my post may sound funny to some of you but it seems that headaches give me the ability to predict storms and the strength of the storms. I have had headaches for as long as i can remeber . I'm 30 years old now and since i was about 20 i've been getting cluster headaches on and off. Mainly the strength of the headache gives me a good indication of the stroms comming in. Normally i have myself like a 3-5 day warning before a really bad storm rolls in. So i never REALLY watch the weather channel anymore cuz of the accuracy in headaches.( well ill know that my radar is right anyways ) Im an alabama man and whenever there is a supercell in any direction from alabama to arkansa - to new york - i pick up on it. A supercell makes for me , the most very painfull headaches- im talking squeeze the tear ducts from my eyes dry theyre so strong. Tropical storms near mexico or florida especially cause for me cluster headaches.lasting headaches. unbelievably painful headaches on the left side of my head .For instance the alabama tornados of 2011 - that one storm made me feel like my head would explode for like a week before it officially arrived . Is this common to experiance this? Is there anyone else that can say that they know first hand what i am talking about?
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