I may have posted this a couple years ago, but IT STILL WORKS AND I HAVE COMPLETELY STOPPED MY CLUSTER HEADACHES - like this> I was formerly from northern Wisconsin, where the weather changes almost daily with huge swings of the barometer - but when I started visiting Southwest Florida (Fort Myers area) I noticed that EVERY TIME I was in Florida, my twinges ('twinges' is what I call my pre-cluster warnings in my left temple) STOPPED within 1 week, and NEVER then progressed into cluster headaches. After a couple years, I have found that by living in SW Florida I HAVE NOT HAD A CLUSTER EPISODE IN OVER 3 YEARS!Â
   Is moving to SW Florida a little extreme to escape cluster headaches? If you've ever experienced cluster headaches, then you know that moving would be worthwhile to stop that awful pain. If you suspect that your cluster headaches might somehow be tied to the weather fluctuations, I urge you to try staying in SW Florida for a couple weeks at a time. It's much better than suicide headaches. I've always wondered how many other people out there have a similar problem to what mine was, but never realized what was actually causing their problem. If you look at a one week barometric pressure chart, you will see that the barometer chart down here is a gently rolling wave, whereas in the north (like Wisconsin) the barometer tears up and down in huge unpredictable swings that bother some people, like me.