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Posts posted by dlnmerced

  1. Being down under makes it a little more difficult. However, there is an inexpensive alternative demand valve you can try.
    Using a demand valve requires the demand valve, a pressure reducing regulator and a mask or  mouth tube.
    This dive regulator has a DISS connection.   If you get a welding tank you can use a standard 2 stage regulator to reduce the pressure to 50psi and hook the dive regulator to the output.

    Ebay.au dive regulator from China.

    welding regulator.

    In the USA we can buy medical regulators on ebay. Appartently they are not permitted down there.

    This medical regulator has DISS 50 PSI port under the pressure gauge in addition to the flow controlled port on the end.


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  2. For all, the only way to know for sure is to test drive what you have. If you have prior experience you know what side effects to expect. If you get them its still good.
    As with all tryptamines, 5-meo-dalt is best preserved in dry, dark and cool conditions. I have read that the shelf life in good conditions for the freebase form is 2 years. The salt (HCL) form is more stable and should last a good deal longer.
    The last batch from China was manufactured 7/2015. Most of what vendors had after the China ban of 10/2015 came from this batch and is the salt form. i recently sampled mine from this vintage and it is still effective.
    Feel free to message me with any question.


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  3. If you are in Southern California next Saturday, join us for a few hours. Very informal. We want to share information and support.
    Hosted by Scott Ganary and Dave Nickerson.

    We have a guest speaker Dr. Sandhya Ravikumar, a neurologist at USC. Please confirm if you can make it even if you responded to the save the date so that we can plan accordingly.
    Please RSVP to Scott or Dave if you can make it.
    We will have lunch and O2 available.

    We have about 15 people so far. 


    Screen Shot 2018-02-13 at 7.11.02 PM.jpg

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  4. Dr. E,  it took you a year and a half to come up with a response? 
    Is business that bad?
    All those peer reviewed articles not beating a path to your door?
    Word of mouth from all those 'Cures' not working for you?

    • Like 2
  5. Congratulations on your success! Love it when people beat the Beast.
    I think the amount of LSA in the seeds (either RC or HBWR) is very dependent on the freshness and handling - at least that is what my limited experience with HBWR indicates and I see no reason it would not also apply to RC seeds.
    I've only tested two batches of HBWR from different vendors. Very big difference in my results.
    The first made no claims as to the date of harvest, but was the cheapest I could find on ebay. 1000 HBWR seeds for $35. I bought this many because I was playing around with extraction methods and threw many batches away. An appropriate dose to keep pain free from this batch was 3 - 4 seeds.
    The second batch was dated 2015 harvest. I've taken two doses so far of 1/2 seeds each and feel it might be a little light (just on the edge of shadows) and will increase this to 1 seed.

  6. 13 hours ago, CHfather said:

    you are a treasure, dln.  thank you.

    My pleasure Sir. I don't spened as much time as I should over here. My plate is pretty full, but call on me anytime, Brother.

  7. Hi John,

    The only correction I will make to this topic is that not all regulators that have a DISS connection bypass the LPM setting. There are many flavors out there. There are regulators that have two air ports and both may have DISS connections (see attached picture). There are also those that have one DISS connection but no LPM adjustment.
    If you have a two port model, the port beneath the pressure gauge will be the 50 PSI port. If your DISS is at the end near the LPM dial it is controlled by the dial and it probably will not work well with the demand valve.  I posted this on the Facebook group. Its everything you need for a "E" tank, including the regulator, mask, hose, and demand valve.

    The seller told me he has several to sell and will relist when this one sells. I say this because I hate to see a couple of clusterheads get into a bidding war.
    Please note in the instructions about shipping. I was the first to buy from him and asked he throw everything in a medium flat rate box. I was the only bidder and got mine for $112 with shipping.
    EBAY Demand Valve listing


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  8. Ricardo,


    You should be able to upload the videos to photobucket.com for free then post the links.  This will help CHers who don't access Facebook.


    Take care,

    V/R, Batch

    Sorry for the delay. I'm working on it today. Been on the road since the conference.


    Dave Nickerson

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  9. I wish there was a way to broadcast to all Neuros what we know about O2 usage. IDK of any that will write the script for 25 lpm and only some that will for 15 lpm. Then, its off you go .. no instructions on how to abort. Sad.
    I too use welding O2. I have 2 tanks because you NEVER want to run out. I bought both of mine from Praxair - 154 cuft and 84 cuft sizes. Its $20 to exchange either. Consider that an 'E' tank holds around 22 cuft. and I know I can get 3 - 4 aborts off an 'E'.


    I woke up at 2:00 this morning with an CH attack, I used my oxygen setup and a aborted the headache! started at 25lpm and reduced it to 8lpm after the headache went away for the post headache time. When my doctor tried oxygen on my headache it did not work, high flow did the trick. Thanks CHfather for pushing me into trying oxygen again with the proper setup.

  10. Hey everyone :)  How have you all been doing with your Clusters?  I have been doing okay with them because they are usually about a 5 to 7 on the pain scale and have been recurring about 3 times a week.  I still cannot shake that constant headache that I have.  I also noticed that I cannot speak clearly after I suffer from one, I have a stutter and I cannot make full sentances. 



    Every time I have a cluster, I try and remember all the people who I met that are in the same boat as me.




    I cannot remember the name of the gentleman who helped me with the 5 meo dalts at the conference but I can be reached via email at kingdrakos@aol.com

    I'll send you a PM

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