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  1. I agree, Les is a gem. While this episode was a bit longer than expected, 12 weeks, having nothing but the licorice for the last 4 weeks now, I feel good. Pretty sure I'm into remission now. Today was my last day at work. Our jobs were outsourced and today I enter a new stage of life without a job, yet I feel not stress, but there is emotion. Even the celebratory beer last night went unpunished, so I reckon the remission is here. Of course it could also be due to the kitten therapy Les mentioned. Not sure what the dosage is supposed to be though, so I've started with 3 kittens per day. That's my limit for juggling anything at one time.
  2. I was just trying to create a little Bieber Buzz with this. We heard rumours that Celine Dion was going to retire, so we had to create a new Canadian pop superstar. I was thinking after I wrote the above line, wasn't the reference... "Gee Ward, a little.... This also opens the door for the new hit sitcom "Leave it to Bieber..." Les!! Tell me with a straight face you've never heard that line.....lol
  3. Hey Les! A little hard on the Bieber last night wern't you....?
  4. I'm afraid my "Sweet Babou" is not any kind of "olygist." So yes if we decide to go hunting we'll be very careful indeed. I'm thinking we'll just buy some anyway... The pattern is certainly weird this time around, as I'm thinking remission here we come, I get woken up 2 hours after I go to bed on Wednesday night. No major K action but I still can't go back to sleep for 5 hours. This is where the O2 would have come in handy I'm sure. 20 minutes and I'm probably back to bed, counting beavers... Head and eye sore for rest of the day. So we're 8 weeks and counting in this cycle, another few days and we have a new record. Yay. &*#@*&!! Can anyone else see my posts besides Les? Hello out there? Can you see this post? I've been to parties where this has happened too... You meet someone new and you're explaining to them about your hobbies, I collect spores moulds and fungis by the way, and then you look around and the room is empty... Weird.
  5. Hello Handy, Can I ask what is your normal or most recent cycles have been? Do you get an annual visitor? Mine has gone from 1 year to 2, but the cycle lasts longer. I'm interested in CH evolution and if there are patterns as we get older. I'm told it isn't going away, the dirty rat, but perhaps for some, if a remission period doubles every other cycle then eventually I'd be 86 years old with remissions of 12 years, that would effectively be the end of the CH. Or if the remission doubles in time, does the cycle do the same? Will my last cycle be my longest? Great to hear you're into remission. I hope to be in your shoes this week. So far 2 days PF, Cutting back to 2X licorice for the rest of the week. A question for Lt2... is this 14 month cycle your first ever? No previous history? Or did I read that wrong. Rob in North Vandersdam-De Shroom... I was telling my sweet babou about the mushroom option and, as a native to the region, she remembers picking them in the wild many years ago. Looks like we're both going to be taking a trip down memory lane...
  6. Recap Update: I was 6 weeks into my cycle and using verapamil/imitrex, but it just wasn't as effective as the last 2 cycles. Took the licorice root as advised and cut out the V completely. (13 days now?) Have used imitrex twice, since stopping V and starting licorice. There has been noticeable change and success, but as I said I'm on the downhill side of this cycle. But be clear it still ain't over. From my last update, I started the celebration a bit early. Saturday the 26th was a 12 hour K2 or lingering brain/skull bruise from a K5 wake up call. (That was my last Imitrex. no plans to purchase any more at this time) A couple more pain free days then this shadow/K1.7 for a few hours twice a day. Today is PF again, so far. I cut back on the Verapamil for a few days before starting licorice on a Friday. No more V, 3 shots of Licorice per day since, and plan to continue until cycle ends or PF days increase beyond 2. Then cut back to 2 delicious licorice shakes a day. Then discontinue use until next cycle in a couple of years. Or occaisional use of what's left over. Plan of attack next cycle: Mushrooms, licorice and of course the oxygen plan as described by CH Father. As a lucky, long remission episodic, I haven't any experience with side effects probably due to low and infrequnt doses. If the V had done what it had done for me in the past I wouldn't be in this discussion. I'd be grumpy, slightly constipated, armed with imitrex waitng for this cycle to end. The short term risk reward with meds changed for me with this cycle. How about a testimomial? Hi there. I suffer from episodic CH. Before I discovered Natures Path, Pure Licorice Extract Tincture, I was constipated and bunged up from pharmaceuticals prescribed to me by my doctor and the Monsanto corporation. I felt hopeless and trapped, and skepitcal of Fox News. Now after taking licorice Root as prescribed, my mood has changed. Ha, ha, ha. I now enjoy regular bowel movements again and simply change the TV channel to something less offensive... Thank you Natures Path Pure Licorce Root Extract Tincture!
  7. One week anniversary today. Recap: 7 days no V, 6 days no Imitrex. Usually a couple of shadow like, periods per day but they don't last more than 15- 30 minutes. Head feels better, shadows feel like radiant heat and some ocular irritation, minor stabbing, K2 maybe? Think I'll have a quiet little party now and enjoy another iced cap and a delicious licorice shake.
  8. Come to think of it I have been craving bark lately... By all means, a great addition for describing Monsanto, people need to hear it. Change = Learning + Application. While we're changing/evolving ourselves, we should grab a few accomplices along the way. Not just those people we surround ourselves with, but some republicans too! Denis Leary for example... Wish Canada could claim him but we'll settle for adoption. "Complacent clients", I like that. Sums up a lot. When you think of our species successes, what do you see? Technology has to jump right off the page. Music, the arts, comedy included, thought, dreams and the ability to chase them. I'd like to think we could add longevity to the list, one day. If reptiles can do it for millions of years or more, with that pea size brain.... Beware the evils of exponential growth, or for the bankers, compound interest. Thanks for the latitude off the main topic and the reason we're here. I'm enjoying the research on the herbs and will probably try some of the skullcap too. But what to do between cycles, what is a good maintenance program? Along with organic eating when possible, the odd bit of exercise and being our own doctors, this will take some more research and experimentation. Replace search for fountain of youth with search for fountain of free beverage choice #1 which shall remain nameless for the duration of this cycle... Again, many thanks.
  9. Mike Myers, Dan Akroyd, Martin Short.... Celine Dion...  Ok, sorry about that last one. Trey Parker has done a good job roasting her for all of us. In Canada we love the beaver of course, our national animal. Mates for life, works real hard, chops down trees and stops just short of pressing wild flowers, Beavers, they're OK... Beaver Buzz is the real thing, a Canadian energy drink. Here's the jingle on the radio.... "Grab a beaver and get it done." Truth. Probably something on you tube somewhere, should you need proof or tune into the Team 1040 Sports Radio, Vancouver. "A valued Sponsor, I'm sure." So what is it Wednesday? My last Verapamil was Friday morning 7 am. Started the licorice at 4 pm, and a night cap before bed. 3 delicious shots a day since. No Imitex since Saturday. Shadows still hanging around, but a brisk walk or... wait for it, a Beaver Buzz got it done. I'll need to get to the Chiropractor soon as my neck, shoulder and this incredible knot under my shoulder blade are the gift left behind. When I was young.... pause for a moment.... I remember treating headaches with adjustments and it worked. They weren't fully developed CH cycles as I would later know them, but at the moment there is a direct connection with that fargin knot and the pain in my head and neck. Not even Dr Ho can remove it... So by all means, I'm open to your thoughts. Call me Mr. G Pig, make me write bad cheques, but "momma don't take my licorice root away... " (Sung ot the tune of Kodachrome , Paul Simon..) I don't feel any ill effects from the V or the Itrx behind me. Who can say long term, but my intake over the years has been relatively light don't ya think? 8 weeks every 2 years, and no apparent side effects, no discomfort really, just no real energy to spare during the cycles and that's now coming back.  While I'd like to wait until all the facts are in, I think leaving the Verapamil and Imitrex behind is solid advice. My success with those meds notwithstanding, I want to prepare for the next cycle and not to jinx this one, I hope the remission continues present patterns.  Having options is comforting. For 3 out of 5 cycles I responded very well to those medications. I'd like to know what the reason for that is, but I think I can be far less stressed about the next cycle as far as the prescriptions go. That also fits in with your observations about health in general. I think you''re spot on with those external factors, and I'll add that in this Global/Corporate economy of endless growth, sorry, greed would be the correct term, the external factors are significant. Consider the phrase: " There is no such thing as job security." Too little time and space here to expand a life time of research, but this is a big lie. A big Fat Corporate CEO, downsizing efficiency jingle to plant fear and to rule with fear. How else could GWB be elected twice? See: loss of rights and deregulation in the monetary system. I give you Goldman Sachs, Enron and the new math of acounting. No such thing as job security means you will work for less and you'll both get jobs too if you don't already. It pits worker against worker, and neighbour against neighbour. I gotta get me mine first. This slow and subtle change in society has had devasting effects on our health, well being and now threathens even sustainabilty... ...said the Canadian lefty with his universal health care programs and endless miles and miles of wilderness... It's basic truth. Do the math, follow the money, and as someone with better math skills than I once said, the definition of insanity is repeating the same behaviour and expecting different results. Republicans, Conservatives, Dems and Liberals, Labour parties. They are the same. Is it the system or is it corruption? Only you can answer those question, just tell me you won't let a television set decide how you vote!  Of course, on the other hand, there is endless material for late night talk shows and comedians everywhere. The humour will get more raw, as the banks reposees your houses. As the price of food rises, monsanto and Cargill can set the market as the patent corn in Mexico... Actualy that was someone else trying to patent Basmati rice in India, but the shoe fits... What does it all mean? Really it's pointless to cure anything if the world we live in sucks. So play nice and take your turn in line. Those 10 things we learned in kindergarden are realy all we need, throw in the golden rule too, that's a good one. Our constitutions have been amended and legisated into worthless paper so tear those up and burn them. When I hear awarness like what Les has written this is what I see. That's what it means to me, and that others are finding truth, and with that knowledge and the understanding of how a society should function. Tolerance is important and community/family is the key. Diversity was and will continue to be the key to life on this planet and we owe everything to it. Everything. Diversity. Other Species. Genetic material. oh shit I'm late for my tantric investing seminar...
  10. Many thanks mate, and I agree. Oxygen should be my next choice for abortive. I'll get busy reading and hope to keep the dumb questions to a minimum... Licorice looks to be a recent addition to the fight, has anyone had a chance to try it from the start of a cycle? Or are we a bit early for that? Much obliged in BC.
  11. Hi, I'm Rob in North Vancouver, BC Cycle remissions have stretched to 2 yrs, from one and cycle length jumped from 2-3 weeks to 6 -8 for three last 3 cycles. Found CH.com 10 years ago and had immediate success in the following cycle with Sansert. the next year it was less effective but then I discovered Imitrex and also Dr Robinson in Vancouver (neuro) who recommended Verapmil and continue Imitrex to abort. The next two cycles were relatively manageable with noticeable changes in patterns and times. It was in this period the cycles moved to 2 yrs. Doses recommended were 120 mg verapamil 2-3 times per day. I took 2x v per day starting when the first sign of the cycle returned, and maybe 8 injections over the middle 4 weeks, rarely more than 1 in a 48 hr period. Forward to Feb 8th, 2011 Cycle start was not easy to interpret, didn't start the v at first, so not sure if that was significant in this cycles symtoms and patterns. The first three weeks seemed familiar, and used Imitrex when the stronger K's came along. It doesn't take more than a handful of K's until I reach for the Imitrex. I remember the days before I knew what this was. There has been significant enough change in this cycle to cause alarm and I was getting concerned that like the sansert, the v was losing its touch. Imitrex use had doubled and in one stretch it was every day.... so back to CH.com and catch up on the latest. I like the idea of natural treatments. I like the taste of organic food. I hate than Monsanto is trying to corner the agribiz market. As a social democrat I support community first, I don't trust MSM and if you want the truth go find it yourself. We are our own best doctor. So I too have enjoyed this thread by Les. I have always sensed that this is a place of truth and compassion so thanks to everyone here who have helped so many. And you, Les Genser, are what we in Canada call a beauty. I hope any of my experiences/experiments will add to the value of your research. I told the neuro from what I've read, I consider myself lucky. I've responded well with meds and live a full life between cycles, and I've taken that success for granted, until now anyway. The risk reward for short term use of meds hasn't been an issue but as I've said it's time to re-evaluate. Just the facts man... With this cycle all askew, I upped the v to 3 x 120 mg per day and have used more imitrex than before. Then after reading about your tincture, cut back on the pills. I did not completely detox when i started the Licorice dosing. But I'm only using the tincture now and for 4 days, only 1 significant HA. Aborted with Imitrex no rebound so far. How much time can pass and still call it a rebound? The one today was killed with the Canadian version of the energy drink, my first "Beaver Buzz." Label says lots of caffeine, my second favorite beverage, the first, will remain nameless durring this cycle... I'm sensing the end of this cycle may be near, beyond 8 weeks would be new... but it's evolving, or I'm evolving, or I'm just dizzy... but I will prepare for the next cycle armed with all this new information, Licorice tincture, Oxygen (never tried it) and in BC those mushrooms grow naturally so should be easily accessible. I'm going to read more about the RC seeds too.. any short cuts to info? I'll reply again in a week to update an as required. Happy to answer any questions or talk about the Canucks winning the Stanley Cup or sailing... Thanks again to those who were here 5 & 10 years ago. Wow, lot of advances. Very impressive stuff.....
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