Hello, First time poster here. I'm 53 and my 1st CH attack started Dec. 20, 2009. Was diagnosed with CH Feb. 3. I'm still in cycle.
Been a smoker since age 17. Drink moderately, maybe a few times a week, but nothing since Christmas. I'm 5'3" and weigh 150 lbs. Had occasional migraines when I was in my 30's. Last 18 yrs. have been nearly headache free until this past December and CH began. It's a mystery to me!
Just recently learned my Grandmother may have suffered from CH. She died about 10 yrs. ago at age 97. My Dad remembers she had terrible headaches, ate asparin like it was candy, would sit in her chair rocking back and forth crying in pain and often press her head against a cold window pane.
Would like to learn more about the heredity factor and CH.
Newbie here
Donna Mae