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  1. hi all, i posted the other day saying i had a couple of twinges after 3 years cluster free.Last night i was woken at 12.10am with what i thought was going to be the full monty. I drank a pint of water straight away i lay in bed massaging over my affected eye which was watering a bit it only lasted 20 mins and was not bad at all which is a bit unusual for me they are normally 8-10 on the kip scale and last a min. of 2 hours from the start of the cycle. I have had ch's for 19 years but was only diagnosed at the end of my last cycle. Could somebody tell me how i go about getting an o2 set up at home .I was referred to the migraine clinic the last time should i try to get an appointment there or try and sort out treatment myself ? I think i am going to need something soon . Iam open to any treatments but haven't a clue how to go about it. I am in Ireland. Any help would be much appreciated. many thanks, eamo.
  2. Hey guys' Thanks for your reply's .I will be stocking up. Haven't had a cycle in a couple of years , But it,s getting close to my time of the year, Felt a couple of twinges in the last week . Do you guy get the feeling they are on there way a week or two before they strike? many thanks, Kopikat (Eamon).
  3. hi all , i am a newbie had have just been reading some of the comments .red bull has been mentioned a couple of times does it help a should you take it when you feel an attack coming on? many thanks, kopikat
  4. Hi all, Just checked out Bob Wold's speech 2009. I too am a cluster headache sufferer, but I'm one of the lucky ones as they only occur every few years. Usually every 2 - 3 years. first one was back in 1991 i never had a headache before this i was 21 at the time. i get them in spring to early summer and they last for about 6 to 10 weeks, i only ever get one attack a day and sometimes have a day or two between attacks (is this common?).they always last appox. 3 hours. i hav'nt had one in 3 years but have felt a few twinges in thethe last week. the last time i had them was the first time i heard of ch's and i was prescribed zomig it was at the end of the cycle and i did not have another attack so am wondering has anyone tried these and do they work. if not i'll be up the hills looking for magic mushroom. good luck and health to all, eamon.
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