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Everything posted by egr2058

  1. Hi. I'm Elizabeth and my husband has recently been officially dx with chronic cluster headache + daily tension-type headache. It's taken us 6 long years with trips to every specialist in the book to get here. Too many symptoms all over the place, had to fix every other little thing that was wrong before anyone would take on the headaches as anything other than psycho. All his GP's ever wanted to talk about was cholesterol. He's now being treated by a wonderful neurologist who got him on oxygen, gave him IV steroids and solumedrol to break a pain cycle he's been in for a very, very long time. Also switching from Indocin to amlodopine. I don't know which is worse, not having the doctors believe the pain is real for so long, or, even now, having family not believe it's all real. He hasn't been able to work for the last year because reading complex docs was triggering spikes. Dealling with SSDI and denied LTD, but that's a whole nother subject.
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