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  1. Hi I just orderd some mexicana truffles from Amsterdam. They ship worlwide their web page is: www.buy-magic-mushrooms.com. My undesrstanding is that 10 grs of fresh truffles equals 1gr of dry shrooms. Eli
  2. Than you all for the quiick response- You know what is funny when I was 19 and went to the neuro fo the fist time .He told my dad that the reason I was having the headaches is because I was doing drugs !!! I wish I could talk to that doctor and tell him maybe that is not the cause . It might be the solution. David I have read your story and believe me is very encouraging all of you guys are brave Tingeling about LSD How often do I have to dose to use it as a preventive? if I decide to go that way Eli
  3. Hi my name is Eli and I have been following the forum for a few weeks now. I am and CH sufferer I have been for the last 21 years since I was 19 . I was diagnosed 4 years ago when I had my last cycle I am so happy to find this site and the possibility of having an alternate treatment for this horrendous pain. I am ready for it and I have a few questions before I start with the RC seeds maybe someone could help me I have read some of the stories here and found them very encouraging. My questions are I am on a remission right know and and I want to take them as a preventive. How many should I take as a preventive ? How many doses ? could they begin a cycle even though I am taking them as a preventive? I am meds free right know and I am plannig to dose for the first time this next Tuesday. If I go with LSD which I think I can find what would be the right dose to begin with. I have to say that I have never done any drugs in the past and I do not drink any alcohol either. I wantto thank you all in advance for the all the help I could get Regards Eli from Spain
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