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Everything posted by jchange79

  1. Just started the calcium citrate and vitamin D3 regimen hope it works..
  2. This may be a stupid question but what exactly is"Busting"??
  3. I,ve been taking Verapamil for about two to three years now as a preventive and obviously it is not working or I am taking the wrong dosage (200MG) each morning. I've always had CH but for some reason this season is the worst I'd ever had ,I have oxygen (6 liters) , 100 mg Imitrex (pill form). I am very desperate right now to stop this!! My doctor is booking appointment a month ahead and I am almost at the point of no return...I know Imitrex should not be taken everyday , but I have no other choice I take about two a day and my Insurance doesn't cover some because of monthly expense or something like that.( only five per script. My Family does nopt understand what I go through and sometimes I ask myself WHY ME??? Please all suggestions are welcome I cant take this anymore I want a normal life!! :'( :-/ :-/[ :'(
  4. Hello ch'ers it feels good to finally be aable to talk to someone who understands your pain. I was diagnosed about 2 years ago, after wrong diagnoses and wrong treatments. A little bit about me I am a Instructor at a Technical school in Illinois and my episodes always start in the middle of class and its a pain in rear if you know what I mean. I,m currently taking verapamil, imitrex (100mg), and just picked up some o2 today. If anyone knows of better medication or a cure for this HELL Please let me know!!!! :-*
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