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  1. By the Grace of God I made it home safe n sound.. I was a little confused, because it rained for quite a while after I left.. yet the car was wet when I stopped to gas up :'(. I only had one hit during my trip.. It seem like a very long trip, because each mile took me further n further away from my CH/CB Family.. The conference was great, each speaker was informative n interesting.. But the best part was the love, concern, care and friendship that was renewed n newly formed.... I love U all dearly n look forward to our next family reunion..
  2. . My Dearest CLusterBusterFamily The fight against Cancer is ongoing, but I know in my heart, without a doubt, that someday we will win this battle, and wipe Cancer out. Most of us, if not all, know of someone that has battled or is battling this terrible disease, in some cases that someone may be or have been you. I am a 30 years Breast Cancer Survivor, and when I take to the track this year for that first lap, I will be celebrating 31 years (June 02, 1983) as a Survivor, Praise God... What a Blessing.. I'm asking each of you to send me $1.. Please Make A Donation To Support Me In Relay For Life... Rather it's $1 or $100, every amount counts.. it's not about equal giving, It's about equal sacrifice... If 100 people give $1 that's $100 - 1102 N Hickory St.; Champaign, Il 61820
  3. Is there a charge for parking your vehicle at the hotel?
  4. I'm I correct that we will have free parking during the Conference? Peace & Blessings Lady Luv
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