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  1. Thank you so much for the kind words it means alot
  2. We have a big tank and 2 smaller ones. lol Ya we are near Montana. I am from montana tom isn't. when is the CB conference?
  3. He has been treated for everything. Especially since they had no idea what was the matter with him. I know that the O2 has worked wonders if we can always keep it filled. That is what i'm doing today, so I know that he has it when it strikes again.
  4. No he doesn't suffer from hay fever or anything like that. Hes had CH for over 20 hrs. I will have a talk with his doctor and see what the hell is going on. Most neurologist here have no idea about CH's anyways besides what they can google. Thank you all for the advice.
  5. Tom will go back on verapamil and all the beta blockers such as Periactin and Ranitidine he also has imitrex shots for back up. He tries really hard to stay away from the heavy pain killers they prescribe him. They don't really help him anyways.
  6. Thank you so much, Yes CH Survivor I will always stay. I do get frustrated sometimes knowing that there really isn't anything I can do to help Tom, But i'm always there to make sure that he has everything he needs and to keep our daughter quiet We survive this every year. And it makes us stronger. Thank you all for your support
  7. This is the hubby (Tom) PF today Yesterday started my season, caught with empty o2 tank and no meds. Learn from that mistake, keep well supplied. As always I'm a great optimist escape last year except for about a month. I surely know better. Never will be 100% without CH. So back on the Med regime and fill the O2 tank tomorrow. My heart felt thanks goes out to everyone for your support for my family and myself. We know no one needs to go this course alone. God Bless and hope your days and nights are PF!! Never lose hope, for you are never alone in this, all of us will reach out to you and your family to help you through this.
  8. My husband suffers from cluster headaches. I'm glad there is a place where he can go to learn more and to vent. Same for myself as well.
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