Good morning everybody, i would like to present my story with the CH. First of all sorry for my poor english.
I am 40 yo and suffering for 26; my beast started episodic but after few years became chronic.
I' ve been in every specialized center in my country and taken all sort of medication, but in the end, none of them worked.
Actually i'm taking 360 mg/die of verapamil and a lot of oxygen (when possible), but every year and a half or so the cluster come back and last for 6-8 months;
oxygen sometimes helps, but most times i end up taking sumatriptan injection, up to 8 injection a day.
A friend of mine, who also suffer from CH, talked me about alternative methods to fight and pointed me to your community.
I hope you can give me some advice and insight on methods to stop this pain.
Thank you all in advance