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  1. I was on Lyrica the first year it came out. Went up to 600 mg. Still had major break through pain that put me on the floor. I do have a a level of tolerance, for instance, I walked around for 3 months with an infected appendacitcea and did not know it till I fell pain in my side driving. Be careful with Lyrica, high doses may put leasions on your skin that look like cancer moles, mine disappeared when I stoped taking the med.
  2. Thanks for your replys they are helpful. I am no longer on the regular meds for TN I am on topomax and propananol and cymbalta which brings the pain level down from a 10 to a 5 or 4 most days. CH they [Doc] are treating as a side effect of the TN O2 works once and a while, best remedy found so far is an hour of sleep and wake up to dull ache that can be delt with. Applying for SSI now episodes are to often to hold a job. So I am looking for alt. anywhere I can and weighing the odds. :-/
  3. Hello fellow CH's I have been researching Bromo,a derivative of LSD for CH, but it is not being tested for Trigeminal Neuralgia or A typical face pain. All three of which I have. One will set off the other, etc..  Does anyone else have accompanying syndromes with their CH and if so is busting working for you? I have been looking for serious relief for 7 years. Back to top Â
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