I have suffered from CH for 14 years. This cycle is the worst and longest - so far 15 weeks!!! I am at the end of my rope. I have been on high (120 mg) slowly tapered prednisone which has worked in the past along with verapimil, trileptal, lithium, and triptans. NOTHING is working this time!!! I am beyond desparate to break the cycle. I have been to a major NYC hospital and 3 different neurologists and cannot get help. I realize this is a dicey question but I want to try mushrooms to break the cycle before i spiral further into depression. I do not have the time or emotional/mental ability to order and grown my own. in fact, I am profoundly disabled at this point due to the constant pain/dread of pain. Can someone please help me obtain the mushrooms so that I can break my cyccle and live again. At that point, I hope to be capable of living and fending for myself. I cannot stress my desparation enough. please help me. thank you.