I wonder if anybody can give me advice re storage, dosage and consumption of mushrooms.
I have had varieing degrees of success with using mushrooms.
I have been taking 1.5 Grammes once a week.
Sometimes after 3 doses the CHs have gone into remission, for a month or two (I am a chronic CHer) AND even when they have come back I think they are not as bad as they have been in the past... Last year they were all reaching 7 to 10 on K scale... Now I think they are mainly 6 to 8. However the mushrooms are not keeping them away for the extended periods at the moment and they are coming back each week.... After I've taken the mushrooms I get 3 to 5 days respite.
I dried out the mushrooms, and filled capsules with the powder, I am wondering if they have lost potency. I am in the process of ordering fresh ones.... My first one or two doses I will take fresh and the rest I'll store.
If I'm taking them fresh is it important to eat the entire dose? or can I make tea and strain the bits?.... And with the rest that I store, dried and crushed into capsules, where and how are they best stored?