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Everything posted by Melody

  1. Thank you both very much... Yes, I had meant blocker in the sense of it blocking busting not blocking CHs. (Although I realise I did use the term for preventatives too.... Doh!) I think I would always hope to be detoxed from meds prior to busting anyway. As always your advice has been helpful.
  2. Thanx for previous advice on busting blockers... Now can anyone tell me if topiramate is a blocker..... ? And just in case, for further up the line (really hoping I don't go here) is lithium a blocker? Maybe both questions are a bit daft as both are sposed to prescribed as blockers and I guess if you continue to bust as well..... Your not gonna know which is working and which isn't. I guess my concern is, that I need to have these PHARMA options available in case busting doesn't work! (I seem to have varieing degrees of success with it)
  3. Can anybody tell me if melatonin interferes with busting. I know that I need to not use imigran etc 5 days prior to busting, but is that the same for melatonin. Thank you Melody
  4. Thank you both very much for your advice, I will try the 5 days plan... I had been hesitant to do this before, as I tried to keep it just to weekends as I work weekdays.... and I had a paranoid kinda thought that experimentation during 'work days' (all be it in the evening and not in work hours) was inappropriate (especially because my job is as a drugs worker) but I need to keep it firmly in my mind that this is a self medication experiment and not recreational experiments! Haha! The paranoia is work related not substance related :0) I will keep going ..... Thanx guys
  5. Oh and something else I've remembered... When I've had the 2 month period of time without CHs, I've stopped using mushrooms.... I'm wondering if I get another break from them for more than a month, might it be a good idea to take a dose once a month anyway? Thanx
  6. I wonder if anybody can give me advice re storage, dosage and consumption of mushrooms. I have had varieing degrees of success with using mushrooms. I have been taking 1.5 Grammes once a week. Sometimes after 3 doses the CHs have gone into remission, for a month or two (I am a chronic CHer) AND even when they have come back I think they are not as bad as they have been in the past... Last year they were all reaching 7 to 10 on K scale... Now I think they are mainly 6 to 8. However the mushrooms are not keeping them away for the extended periods at the moment and they are coming back each week.... After I've taken the mushrooms I get 3 to 5 days respite. I dried out the mushrooms, and filled capsules with the powder, I am wondering if they have lost potency. I am in the process of ordering fresh ones.... My first one or two doses I will take fresh and the rest I'll store. If I'm taking them fresh is it important to eat the entire dose? or can I make tea and strain the bits?.... And with the rest that I store, dried and crushed into capsules, where and how are they best stored? Thanx
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