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  1. Nj

    how to take LSD?

    Ok thanks. I'm looking into websites that I can buy RC seeds from and who will also ship them here.. If not, ill have to do with morning glory for now, as that is most easily available. But I plan on showing the pictures to the guys who my mum buys plants from. Maybe I can even find RC seeds... Thanks a lot for all the info. Its the first time in a long time I don't feel like I'm crazy or some sort of freak(cz a lot of my family members couldn't comprehend that a headache could be so painful and thought I was probably faking it) and that there might be a solution to my problem. This is so much better than hearing people telling you that 'its all in your head' and 'heal yourself with yoga' or the best one 'just don't think about it and it will go away''
  2. Nj

    how to take LSD?

    I actually stopped drinking my usual redbull which I have before my workouts thinking it might trigger an attack. But if its supposed to help, I should be getting an attack tonight, so ill try it out. And I do have the proper mask etc for my oxygen, but it usually takes a long time for the pain to come down.
  3. Nj

    how to take LSD?

    How stupid of me! I didn't realize that RC seeds were actually flowers! If its similar to morning glory then I can def get it because I think my mum has planted morning glory in our garden! But please let me know, how are we supposed to take it?
  4. Nj

    how to take LSD?

    i live in Pakistan, and i doubt if ill be able to order RC seeds online. but ill definitely research into it. id actually prefer to take something more natural as opposed to LSD especially because ill be getting the LSD through some friends, and i have no idea of what quality it would be. thanks alot for the information!
  5. Nj

    how to take LSD?

    actually im pretty sure that hashish triggers clusters. i was in my "pain free' period and got high with some friends and i felt the shadows coming on. this has happened with me twice. an actual headache didnt happen, but the feelings i get right before i get a cluster did.
  6. Nj

    how to take LSD?

    that was going to be my first option, but i live in Pakistan, where such things aren't so easily available. my mum is completely against me taking LSD, but i don't see any other option available to me. but thanks alot for your advice!
  7. so my headaches have started again, and iv either forgotten how painful they were or they've gotten worse. yesterday i pulled a fist full of my hair out and my mum had to pin my hands down. i have an oxygen tank, but it doesn't really help me, and i remember reading that one of the things you can do to abort an attack is doing strenuous exercise, but there is only so much exercise you can do in the middle of the night, and the pain comes right back the moment you stop. anyway, i was feeling pretty desperate so i went on line and i discovered these websites with all these people talking about how LSD and Liberty Cap mushrooms helped them. and if they really work the way everyone says they do, i definitely want to try this treatment. because my other option would be to go on the medicine(Topomax) that my doctor prescribed and the side effects are just horrible. my problem is that i definitely cant get a hold of mushrooms where im living, but i can get LSD-however, i dont know how to take it or what dose to take. Help anyone?
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