so my headaches have started again, and iv either forgotten how painful they were or they've gotten worse. yesterday i pulled a fist full of my hair out and my mum had to pin my hands down. i have an oxygen tank, but it doesn't really help me, and i remember reading that one of the things you can do to abort an attack is doing strenuous exercise, but there is only so much exercise you can do in the middle of the night, and the pain comes right back the moment you stop. anyway, i was feeling pretty desperate so i went on line and i discovered these websites with all these people talking about how LSD and Liberty Cap mushrooms helped them. and if they really work the way everyone says they do, i definitely want to try this treatment. because my other option would be to go on the medicine(Topomax) that my doctor prescribed and the side effects are just horrible. my problem is that i definitely cant get a hold of mushrooms where im living, but i can get LSD-however, i dont know how to take it or what dose to take.
Help anyone?