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Everything posted by Wifey

  1. Wifey

    Admiring you

    Your thoughts? http://medicalcenter.osu.edu/mediaroom/features/Pages/Neurostimulator.aspx?utm_source=OneSource%20-%20OSUToday&utm_medium=Internal%20Sources&utm_campaign=Neurostimulator
  2. Wifey

    Admiring you

    What are thoughts on the Neurostimulators and hope of relief of cluster headaches? Any real life success?
  3. I attended the 2011 Cluster Busters conference and have great admiration for those sufferers and families and the strides to find relief. My husband passed away 3 years ago after suffering cluster headaches for 37 years. I hold you close to my heart. Thank you for all you do.
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