people use the Gerson therapy to get rid of terminal cancer why wouldn't it work for ch ,all it does is strengthen you own immunity to fix the body the way nature intended.
in the 1700's nutrition was not the best to say the least Sir psiloscribe. I don't claim tainted meat is the issue, meat in general tainted or not and tainted veggies or fruits .
And to our friend Brew anyone who has ever had clusters
especially the kind that didn't go away anymore wouldn't
wish clusters on their worst enemies, you know what I mean
I didn't just say cure I said "my permanent cure" .
MY mistake: I thought I would come here and help some people for free none the less. I'm not looking to sell you some magic pills seeds or mushrooms that you have buy on a regular basis, that's no better than taking 400 mg of topomax a day which also works but at what cost (shakes numbness in your feet, short term memory loss, slurred speech) not a big deal right.
My clusters are gone I don't need to be wasting my time explaining my self to all the doubters and haters ,do your own research on what I told you and if you think I am full of it then move on to the next magic treatment that will work for a while and stop like it did for me. My way is more work and sacrifice no magic.
good night folks I hope the beast doesn't wake you tonight I really do. I really do care or I wouldn't be here.