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  1. Ok so I started using oxygen. I have not been able to get a 25 lpm regulator yet, so I have only used the 10 lpm one that came with the tank. The problem is, the oxygen is just delaying the inevitable for me. I will suck on it at max power for 15 minutes. pain goes away. but then its back like clockwork 15 minutes later. Eventually I just give up, take some pain meds, and ride it out. Will the 25 lpm thing help, or is oxygen just not for me? I've heard rebounds are a problem. Goddamn, I wish it didn't take so long to grow!! I can't find anything to bust with!
  2. damn, I was hoping that guy wouldn't take it down so fast! That page looks good, though. I'll do my research here and figure it out. Thanks
  3. Hey, so I'm taking my first crack at oxygen. In the past had just used imitrex and busting, but new insurance ain't payin for the trex, and can't find vitamin M in Chicago  > Here's what I got off craigslist today. No idea how to work this contraption, and finding all different mixed advice online. http://chicago.craigslist.org/nwc/hab/2962170151.html 25 bones seemed like a hell of a deal, but I don't even know if I got the right thing. Thanks
  4. Awesome to see people already helping out. Gonna get on that O2 first thing tomorrow. One last question: Found two old imitrex nasals in an old golf bag. Gotta be 2 -3 years old. Safe to use? Not wasting my WHite Sox home opener tix tomorrow, may have to give em a shot. I will research these forums better too so I'm not repeatin old topics!
  5. Hey all, I'm Nick, a 26 yo CHer from Chicago. I've perused this message board a few times and thought I'd be social and finally sign up. A little background, I run a small education-based business in Chicago. Big fan of music, sports, and traveling. Now the not so fun stuff. I've been a CHer since I was 17. I usually get a bad cluster around this time of year (about a month), and then maybe 1 - 2 short and less intense (maybe a week) ones in the fall or winter. I usually get one attack per day during the week. They just tend to not hit me on weekends, which is odd because I tend to do a lot of drinkin on weekends, and my weekdays are not overly stressful or anything. About half the time I can catch the shadow and abort with mass quantities of caffeine before it hits. If it does hit, I am in for the long run, though. Usually 3 hour long and 'punch the wall' intense. I used to take Imitrex (which worked unless it was a level 10 ultra intense one) but I now am self-employed. I got cheapo insurance since the last two years my clusters weren't so bad, and I'm healthy otherwise. Unfortunately the cluster is back with a mean vengeance this year and something needs to be done. First question is: What is my best bet for getting this welding oxygen I have read about? Good place to buy? any info I should know? Total newbie here. Second question is: What is up with the seeds? Best way to obtain? I have absolutely no problems with taking mushrooms, but I havent been able to find them. I think part of the reason my last two years of clusters were weak is because I had recreationally used mushrooms around that time of year. I didn't even really realize how effective they were. Last question: The most common reason I can't abort is because I wake up, and the beast has already begun. Melatonin seems like the obvious solution here, right? Any other advice is greatly appreciated! I'm going to get on the offensive with these bastards. Thanks!
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