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  1. poyzinivy


    Hi. I am new also. This is my 4th "episode" of CH. I was diagnosed in my early 20's and was told it is rare in women. Lucky me. I am now in my mid-ish 30's and am going thru this again and am on the end of my 3rd week. I am apparently rather lucky though. As I am reading the entries on this forum many of you are chronic. I am currently not taking anything as nothing has helped and I cannot afford more in monthly RX's. I cannot fathom what you guys (or gals) go thru when you suffer from the CH chronically. A few months out of every few years is too much for me. I am exhusted, edgy with my kids/hubby and unable to focus my brain the way I can noramally during a remission. This is my husbands first round of CH with me. He works overnight (which is when this round is hits-thankfully no CH during the day) he comes home to find me more tired then when he left, and I look like someone beat the hell out of me (dark circles, etc). At first he thinks these are normal headaches and does not understand. He witnessed his first CH two nights ago and was going to rush me to ER. Said that is was like watching a person going insane for 45min and then they pass out. Sorry for ranting...just tired. Looking forward to a new remission. I send warm thoughts and best wishes to all of the CH sufferers out there! [smiley=sad.gif]
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