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  1. Hello everyone, As a guest I have been reading quite a bit on this site, and found some posts insightful and interesting. I have been having CHs since the age of 18 (am 31 now), and was only diagnosed about five years ago. I get about two bouts every year, sometimes these can last 4 months, but typically less. Currently, I live in the UK. I take verapimil 3x240mg every day. I have the great benefit of an understanding GP. This means that I am able to treat the attacks with Immigran subject (in the US this is called Imitrex injectors, I think). Without this I am quite sure I would not have managed so far. I have had good experiences of stopping a bout by taking high dosages of steroids (hydrocortisone, or Prednisolone, 60mg a day for two, three days). Nasty stuff, but it worked often. Not this time, and I am getting really sick and tiered of injecting all the time. It does effect my job, as well, but thankfully I was never seen having an attack. In a way, I think we as sufferers are quite privileged as the happiness when the pain finally goes is so intense and must be close to what others pay for . I have experimented with (0- no use, 9- works perfect) Immigran subject (9) Immigran tablets (2) Immigran Nasal spray (1) Lidocaine (1) O2 (depends, sometimes 4 or sometimes 9) All sorts of painkillers including morphine that I borrowed from my mum when she was dying of cancer some time ago) without much success. I have never taken any recreational drugs (except alcohol and cigarettes). Nice to meet you all
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