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  1. Rudy

    New to this

    Thanks jeeps and the rest of the Ch family you have been great and I feel better about my episodes knowing I'm not alone and learning way more than I expected
  2. Rudy

    New to this

    Thanks for all the helpful info guys and gals ..another question last night was my first night not waking up thank god and today was headache free until around 6:30 pm which lasted a mere 30 min the shortest attack I've had yet ... Does this mean that my episode is on it's way out?? And how Many days attack free is it safe to say I am out of my episode
  3. Rudy

    New to this

    I want all the info I can get as I will be away from civilization for a week and I'm in an episode as we speak just getting the info before an attack occurs the heat will be turned off soon and I work outside where the temp is between -10 to -14 tomorrow I have limited pain killers on hand I have Tylenol 600 mg which do t work I have taken 4 at a time I do have coffee I will try when I have an attack my last bad episode lasted 3 months this one so far is 2-3 weeks thanks for the info.. But it's soon bed time which usually means attack time aswel
  4. Rudy

    New to this

    I'm up north right now I have no oxygen and no meds now I'm waiting for my Shift of work to be done in 8 days before I see another doctor I've just seen the doctor on my work site thus far .. He hooked me up to oxygen which worked it dulled the pain and pressure to where I could stand it ..I'm just wondering anything I could do that could help like triggers to avoid what's the beer test anything that will help
  5. Rudy

    New to this

    I'm up north right now I have no oxygen and no meds now I'm waiting for my Shift of work to be done in 8 days before I see another doctor I've just seen the doctor on my work site thus far .. He hooked me up to oxygen which worked it dulled the pain and pressure to where I could stand it ..I'm just wondering anything I could do that could help like triggers to avoid what's the beer test anything that will help
  6. Rudy

    New to this

    And by finally I mean I have an answer I'm going through an episode now for the past 2-3 weeks with a frequency of 2-3 attacks lasting 1-5 hours last time I had them was a year or so ago
  7. Rudy

    New to this

    Finally been diagnosed with cluster headaches where do I go from there .. My job requires drug testing so LSD is not an option for me
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