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    Hi Chris, yes the fests are great here and well attended but no I havnt been too old lol but my daughter and grandaughter have been and they say fantastic.


    Yes on onset assoon as he felot tingling and tearing in eye


    Thanks all for inputs. Adam, bless him can cope with the minor attacks but the biggies only arrive about once a day of every two days. He has the imigran injection and has used it today for the first time. He said ouch a lot when injecting lol but he felt very much better soon after. Someone said its like having a hangover and he said same. He now needs to sleep but I luv my doc for prescribing. Adam said he would only use the injections on the severe ones that are hard to handle. Still searching for an oxygen supplier as we live on an Island (Isle of Wight England). Thank you all for your continued support - Adams Mum


    Adam has been prescribe Imigram (sumatriptan) any good experience as an abortive?
  5. Hi eveyone, thanks you all so much for your concern and replies. Adam has a neuoligical appt in April (Yeah so quick) not. I was racking my brains and on some sites and thought of the gas and air used when mums are giving birth. This stuff hits the brain doesnt it and is an analgesic? do you think there is a poosibility that it coud e used as a help during an attach of CH? Just trying to think of other alternatives.
  6. Thank you all so much for your replies will invesigate all options
  7. Hi, I am mum to Adam who is only 18 and has suffered from CH for two years. Our local hosp diagnosed very quickly on first time needed to attend A & E. It breaks my heart to see him when the biggies hit as feel so useless. As I type I am in tears. He is not on any meds. I read your inputs on seeds, mushrooms and 02 but get really scared as I dont know how using these will affect him/ Even the 02 can damage lungs? How can I help my son but do the least harm to him?
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