I am an episodic cluster sufferer. Cluster is really getting going. I've had a year or two of success using Kudzu. It no longer works. I had a year and a half of success shutting down and keeping away cluster with Melatonen. That no longer works. Now I have tried them both and they don't work. Had a K 8 last night. Am staring at next 2 or 3 months of Hell on Earth. I don't know where to get help and I have no alternative sources for help. Please can somebody in the 5 state area around Texas please help me. I am willing to come to you for your support. I use oxygen to help abort attacks, but I really can't live like this, can't make a living with multiple attacks a day.  I don't want to get on the imitrex roller coaster. Please somebody in or around the Fort Worth, TX area contact me. My home phone is 817-413-5366