Havent been around much, not as close to a friend that suffers from this but it is something i think about. I remember reading that a lot people used redbull or other energy drinks. I'm sure someone has brought this stuff up but I thought i would put it here just in case you havent seen it. There are many different brands and formulations of pre-workout supplements but a lot have l-arginine, a vasodialter and this one does not but a good dose of caffeine. Its just a little scoop of powder you mix with water. If it helps great if not or its old news..carry onÂ
Calories - 15
Total Carbohydrate - 4g
Sugars - 0g
Vitamin D (As Cholecalciferol) - 500IU 125%
Niacin (As Nicotinic Acid) - 20mg 100%
Calcium - 35mg 4%
Magnesium (As Magnesium Oxide) - 100mg 25%
Sodium - 280mg 12%
Potassium - 5mg <1%
HYPER-FX Peak Proprietary Blend - 9.6g
Myogenic Endura Infusion
Beta-Alanine (CarnoSyn), Betaine Anhydrous, Citric Acid, Sodium Bicarbonate, Malic Acid, Taurine, Adenosine 5\'Triphosphate Disodium (Peak ATP)
Shock Force Spectrum
D-Aspartic Acid, Magnesium Oxide, Calcium-D-Glucarate, Red Pepper (Fruit) (2% Capsaicinoids) (Capsimax), Black Pepper (Fruit) (95% Piperine) (Bioperine), Cholecalciferol
Neuro Power Composite
Choline Bitartrate, Caffeine Anhydrous, Bitter Orange Extract (Fruit) (30% Synephrine) (Advantra Z), Niacin, Toothed Clubmoss (Aerial Parts) (1% Huperzine A), Lesser Periwinkle [(Whole Plant) (95% Vinpocetine, 98% Vincamine, 98% Vinburmine)]
Approximately 270mg of caffeine per serving.